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Competitive streak

I have carried on a lot about goodwill and being a good sport and how important all that is to me… my family’s business actually specifically sponsors the Goodwill medal at the fabulous little sportsday our small school held over the weekend.  A medal that was my idea.  I like good sportsmanship.  It floats my boat.

So I carry on.  And I probably have you all thinking I am some kind of  angel – so easy-going and all laid back and ‘may the better man win‘… and all that.

If that is the case, it’s probably time I set you straight.

I quite like winning.  I’d love to point the finger at various members of my family who are also renown for their competitive temperaments.  But it’s in me too.

It’s true.  It’s a great feeling, winning, and I’d be lying to say otherwise.  Lucky for me, I was an okay swimmer, so I got to revel in that feeling at one or two local races during my younger years.  Cause Lord knows, I was taking out no ribbons in any foot races at ANY time in my life.  Sporting field humble pie and I are close aquaintances.

And my kids are pretty much the same.  I try to drum in the ‘try to the end’,don’t get upset if you don’t win‘, ‘remember to congratulate the person who does win‘ mantras into my offspring.

But in a true Nature versus Nurture scenario… my kids, well, they like to win.  And it hurts them like crazy when they don’t.  Especially when they come stone cold motherless last. (Sorry guys, my land speed genetics strike again!).

Shall we see?  Nothing illustrates this point better than a couple of the snaps I got on the weekend.

My son had done okay – winning a couple of ribbons in the throwing events (shotput and discus – the boy has an arm!).  He was, however, the saddest little man alive in his solo running events.   Just about broke my heart.

But check out the smile after racing in the relay:


I’ve already posted this shot of that race ..ggames2010_0666 e

Then I looked a little closer…
ggames2010_0666 close
Holy toledo batman… that is one fierce face there, baby boy!

And how about my daughter, when she had all but given up on trying any more?  She had not a single solitary ribbon to pin on her royal blue shirt after all her solo events.  And then, with some gentle persuasion from parents and teacher, she lined up in the ballgames.

And won a BLUE.

ggames_0616 e

Can you FEEL the pride in that tiny strip of cloth?

So yeah.

Despite all the good intentions and goodwill in the world… sometimes the thrill of winning and the feel of a fluttering blue ribbon…

Well, it’s a fine, fine thing.

Just keepin’ it real, here.

Anyone care to share their sporting moment of glory… or IN-glory?


  • gramps

    I was very active in all sports growing up with a fair amount of success. So, my kids HAD to get involved.

    I rooted hard for them and they did OK. But, LORD, I could not watch them. I could not sit down—I had to wander. I had a tremendous high when they did well and I agonized when things didn’t.
    It’s easier with my Grand kids—so far.

  • jeanie

    Oh – I know your pain.

    When ‘Salina was a pre-schooler, the teacher taught them excellent things in preparation for their first race – how to run in the lines, how to wait for the starter, how to not look around to see how others were going.

    I mentioned to the teacher that my girl would possibly never require that last skill – if she was anything like her mum, she could see exactly how well all the others were going without turning at all.

    Its why the good lord gave us flippers, after all!
    .-= jeanie´s last blog ..Splice Yarn =-.

  • debby

    Okay. Dylan was a wrestler, and a very good one. I could not bear to watch him wrestle. It actually made me sick to my stomach. Was that competitive? I don’t know. I do know that I am pretty competitive in the whole grade thing. I try not to be, but I am.
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Breathing Again =-.

  • Cheryl

    Fantastic photos – as usual. Sporting – no not my forte but I clearly recall the moment I was signed up to write my first book – couldn’t get the smile off my face for a year! Competitive me? I don’t care how you play the game, I like to win!
    .-= Cheryl´s last blog ..Tawny Frogmouth =-.

  • Lydia

    didn’t do anything in sports at all. I’m bad at that. However, it irked me to no end that I was always 2nd chair flute. I wanted 1st, but Becky (1st chair) was head and shoulders above all of us.

    However, when I got the lead in the play, I was in 7th heaven.


    I played hockey & softball pretty well as a kid. Then I started doing gigs on Friday & Saturday nights, & getting up at stupid o’clock to play sports got old really quickly.
    Both my girls show NO desire to play ANY sports. “It makes me TIRED, & I get sweaty” I know, who knew a 4 & 6 yr old could be so lazy?
    So they do art classes, cooking classes & piano lessons
    No competitive steaks here!
    Diamond is most disappointed x
    .-= JENNY TALIA´s last blog ..hook, line & sinker =-.

  • Hippomanic Jen

    I’m pretty much hopeless at anything sporty. Can’t catch, can’t throw, can’t run, can’t hit a moving object. Balance is hopeless and although I apparently had wonderful style in the pool, I wasn’t very FAST with it. *sigh*

    But in my last year of school I entered in the lowest level of the 200m race and came first (of three). I was actually disappointed to break such a consistent losing streak. I think if it had been a 205m race I wouldn’t have won, though.

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