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Ekka Snap 2: Random fashion thoughts

As I mentioned in my first Ekka review, I don’t mind taking in the odd fashion show.  While I seem to be less and less interested in getting fashionable myself (something to do with those extra 15 kg that I am carting around these days) I love checking it out on others.

I managed to catch a parade during the Ekka – not that easy when you have a gazillion people to meet and a couple of little people to keep amused.  And still.  I was lucky my husband took pity and herded the kids off to the showbag pavilion while the wool and leather parade was on at the ‘Meating Centre’.  It featured up-and-coming Aussie designers doing amazing things with products created in the bush.  I sat front row and soaked it all in.

The models were gorgeous, the clothes fabulous … but instead of sharing a ‘proper’ review of the parade, let’s take a walk on the wild side.  In my head. Of course, sometimes my immediate thoughts are probably NOT what the designer anticipated.  I have a pretty random brain, and am VERY easily distracted.  You may get dizzy… don’t say you weren’t warned…

Roll camera… action!

Goodness me – is that Zac Effron in the middle there… do I even know who Zac Effron is… now is it Affron or Effron… and is that the guy from the Notebook on this side?  Has he had his lips done since the movie… loving that poster in the background… that shot could easily have been taken here at Granite Glen… looks like a Brahman calf… wondering what movie the other guy was in…

Great boots… bet they hurt… nice ‘country feel’ decoration… wonder if that’s someone’s real saddle… wonder if they need it to compete in the horse events here today… wonder who put that fence together… pretty smile… this outfit mighty actually hide my love handles...

Ah, another great smile… so glad this isn’t one of those fashion parades where the models look cranky… usually understandable of course as they are probably starving… these guys must’ve been allowed a burger before they came onstage… wonder if they organised a supply of dental floss backstage too… great colour comboawesome shade of green…


WHAT a great poster… now THAT is a smile and those are some AWESOME freckles … wonder if this guy is a real bushie… wonder if he carries dental floss in a saddle bag on his horse… wonder what kind of camera was used to take that photo… BOY that’s a big poster… each freckle must be half a metre square…


Ooohhh love that flowery dress…I need to lose approximately 14 kilograms before I would consider even TRYING on that outfit… my cousin Em would look great in this … it would actually prove she HAD a midriff, she’s so skinny.  I used to have a midriff too… I wonder if it’s still there somewhere under the sticky date puddings…


Holy smoke… I need to lose 25 kilograms (and have several tummy tucks) before I’d even CONSIDER … oh who am I kidding… would never wear these swimmers… feeling extreme jealousy of the endless legs on these models … wonder if they enjoyed their dinner last night as much as I did… wonder if their meal included sticky date pudding like mine… think ‘probably not’.  Feeling marginally better.


Another Holy Smoke moment… this model might have the strongest toes in the world to walk in these shoes…loving the colour and texture though… Oprah has it right when she puts her heels on AFTER she sits down.  My knee is screaming just CONSIDERING the notion of walking in these…


NOW we are talking… move over Pamela Anderson… THIS is my kind of fashion!  Knees are actually asking for these boots… can hear my MOTHER yelling ‘no’ as I consider wearing them in public…


Seriously, I loved the show.  Loved that the models smiled.  Loved the gear which looked quite wearable (okay, maybe not that gold lame bikini).  Loved the message of the whole Meating Centre (even if I am not quite sure about the pun in the building’s name!) – it also had great cooking demos, virtual helicopter mustering rides, an awesome-looking restaurant and cafe.  If you are Ekka bound, check it out… Mums please note: I discovered afterwards that there is a little play area for kids right near the fashion stage. Clever!


  • Leenie

    Loved that you took us along on your random brain ride. I was there with you most of the way, with my own detours.(Handsome guys, the toes of their shoes are awfully long. Love that long gray jacket. Holy cow! BIG poster BIG TEETH. Who really has legs that long? Must be some kind of plastic surgery. Wonder if those shoes could make MY legs look long. UM..probably not. Wonder how those super suede boots would survive snow drifts?)

    Erm…where was I? Oh, yeah…fun post thanks! Nothing like that at the Eastern Idaho State Fair.
    Leenie´s last blog post ..TEN THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT ME

  • Sal

    Thanks BB. From someone who used to make the Ekka every year and hasn’t since my two little munchkins arrived, was awesome to have your updates and humour! Cheers!!
    P.S. Man, I think the whole 15kg comes stock standards with the second child and anyone who missed out must have some secret or be SUPER SPECIAL! And it seems to happen overnight! I too dream of the morning I wake up and they have disappeared as quick as they come…Thanks again. 🙂

    • Bush Babe

      Thanks Sal – are you not going because of the munchkins, or because of living too far away? Thanks too for making me feel better about those 15kg. I may have under-estimated a tad – it may actually be 20 kg. *sigh*

      • Sal

        Partly because of the kids (because we always used to camp with the cattle…would be better off staying off the grounds now however.) MAINLY… because Grahame has been unable to get away from work. It is always busy and gets harder and harder to get away *BIG sigh*. Wanted to do a Northern Territory/Kununurra trip this year too but don’t think we’ll get away before the wet starts. Ahhhh well, joys of the job and the life I suppose! Which we love :)Rain and floods around here today, spent a few hours under the raincoat on the back of the horse..hmmm feeling every inch of me now. Has been too long since I spent that long in the saddle! Nice though!

  • Jenni in KS

    I don’t know if we have this sort of fashion show at our state fair. I know the 4-H kids who do the clothing and textiles project have a fashion show, though.

    My favorite clothing items were the flowered skirt and top, but I would use some kind of long, silky scarf to extend the top and cover my midriff. That’s not something I show after having 4 kids! I love the boots, too.

    The very best thing in all these photos, though, was the posters on the wall. I love the scenes they portray and what they say about people working in the cattle industry. They often get a bad rap, but the people I know who raise cattle are very compassionate and concerned about the well-being of their animals beyond how it will affect their profits. And I do love that guy’s smile:o)
    Jenni in KS´s last blog post ..Musical Monday – The Waiting

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