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I am pretty much beyond words this morning.

I cannot get my head around what happened yesterday in Toowoomba.  Over twelve inches of rain fell in one day in some places – and the local mayor described the result as ‘an instant inland tsunami’.  Here is the footage from part of it.  It’s frightening.

I lived in Toowoomba for a couple of years when I was studying – it’s a calm, gorgeous city, high on the edge of a range.  I know where that rushing, raging torrent was – and it was not where it should be.  Not where ANYONE would expect it to be.  No-one could have POSSIBLY been prepared for it.

The images of people stuck on their rooves is disturbing too – kids and adults alike – huddled together like those happy families I took a photo of the other day.  Only not very ‘happy’ at all – no doubt cold, wet, and frightened as raging waters roared around a structures that were their homes.  In particular footage (which I will not link to) of a man stuck in a car that later disappeared before he could be rescued haunts me.

So far eight people are confirmed dead. Seventy-two are missing.  Maybe more.  People are stranded in all kinds of places. (Update: five more bodies just found. Toll now 13)

And now Caboolture, Strathpine and the Brisbane CBD is being evacuated as the Brisbane River threatens to break its banks under the weight of flooding and high tides.  I worked in the CBD once upon a time.  I lived near Strathpine.  I can visualise it all.

I stood and stared at the television broadcasts this morning in utter disbelief.

For decades we have prayed for decent rains.  Now this.  Talk about all or nothing.



We, who thought we were badly affected by the floods that swept through here just a couple of weeks ago, now look on and ask what we can do.  I am giving clothing and money.  And prayers.  And as I joked with someone the other day, when I pray, God listens (He cannot help it – He is so shocked to hear from me!).

I guess the only other thing I can do is offer a little blue sky.
And a little hope.


Stay safe, wherever you.




  • Sal

    I cannot turn it off and the kids wonder why I am crying all the time. It is just so scary… the images of that small family on the roof of their car just breaks my heart. Can’t help but wonder where they are and wish the mother of all wishes, that they are alive and ok. I really hope that yesterday was the worse of it and that we see nothing like that happen as the water flows downstream and the rains continue. Fingers and everything crossed and thinking of all those in the midst of it. x

  • debby

    You know, BB, I keep thinking back to that young man in the Tractor Supply, remember the one looking for summer shirts? And I asked him if he were moving down south and he grinned and said, “I’ll say! I’m headed to Toowoomba.” And he was so shocked that I had a clue where that was. I wonder about that young man with the white teeth and the big black beard and a hearty sense of adventure. I wish that I’d have gotten his name. My gosh, what an awful time you all have had…and it doesn’t look to be getting better.

  • UtahZen

    Oh wow. I too am speechless. I have been sick in bed for the past three days, feeling sorry for myself, while this has been happening. I had no idea. Good wake up call for Kate… All those being affected are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Colin (HB)

    I e-mailed on my trip this morning. What you have written here is 100% correct.
    People were being told to get out of the CBD who may have just been there for shopping or lunch ( in the rain??).
    Staff in possible areas that would go under were being sent home. The train to Cablooture ( if it got there?) was jammed packed at 10.30am – double peak hour like.
    Like a Bombay (Mumbai) train. Unbelievable. It still continues to bucket down. All TV channels are on it.
    Thank God, I am on high ground but my suburb will have areas that will be flooded. Yep, Teri, it is horrible and as for the Perth, WA bushfires, they were seemingly lit by an arsonist! Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
    Colin (HB)

  • Nancy in Iowa

    I am appalled, and so, so sorry for everyone in range of this massive flooding. Yes, it’s 3:45 AM here in Onawa, IA, but I couldn’t sleep. Came to my faithful computer to look at the state of Atlanta and the rest of the South being hit with highly unusual snowstorms, then caught the latest on Brisbane.

    Stay well and safe, BB.

  • Lynda M O

    Unbelievable, BB, from drought to floods within a month or less….

    Thanks for the donate link up on the right sidebar. I will do so. My heart breaks for losses sustained. Stay safe.

  • A Novel Woman

    It reminds me of footage on the Boxing Day tsunami. Just horrible and sad and shocking, all at the same time. It has dominated the news here and I would imagine the rest of the world too. Let’s hope the rain stops. My heart breaks for these people.
    A Novel Woman´s last blog post ..Fess Up Secret Santa!

  • gramps

    Here in sunny (sort of) California we are all shocked and horrified by the news from Queensland and especially the latest from Toowoomba. Awful!!!!!!!

  • Theresa in Alberta

    God wants to hear from you during the good times and bad….It is so darn cold here in Alberta, but I try to remember to be very thankfull for things like long underwear and central heating!!!…..
    But please tell me, are you and yours safe from the flooding?? Praying for the people living down under in Oz,,,,

  • Inyureye

    I listen to the news of the winter storm’s we’re having in the northeast of the States, I’m thinking, at least you have a home.

    My thought’s and prayer’s for the people affected by the water.

    From northwest Arkansas.

  • Lydia

    My son and I were traveling and saw pictures of the flooding on the news. I pray that this rain stops now. How horrible and shocking for everyone in Queensland.

    I am glad to know that you are OK, I am so sorry to hear how many are gone or missing. This will be a long recovery.

  • Pencil Writer

    I’m flabbergasted by the enormity of the water problems in the Queensland area. Like everyone else, it’s so hard to comprehend. My prayers are with all affected by such enormous amounts of continuing rain fall!

    And just today, I think, I saw news about floods in Shri Lanka and Brazil having some similar problems. Prayers for one and all in such devastating circumstances.

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