All posts,  The Bush

Flock of fireflies and Lizzy

The trouble with me being busy beyond belief is that I get behind.

I don’t mean with my housework (so many excuses to use there, but seeing as how everyone knows I live in a state of moderate chaos, there is not much point using any of them!)

I don’t mean with my photo taking (Heaven’s above, anyone will tell you that camera is pretty much WELDED to my hand!)

I mean with my blogging.

And when my blogging gets ignored, my photo archives get backed up. Seriously backed up. My hard drive is about to erupt like Mt Vesuvius with photos demanding some kind of outlet.

So tonight, as the flock of fireflies in my bedroom synchronise enough beacons to guide in a few jumbo jets, I decided to share some shots taken back then, in order to relieve a little of the pressure on my hard-working little C: drive.

We were on our way home from dropping my Dad off at his beloved grader, in his ongoing battle to fix the paddock roads (and taking photos of those terrible roads while I was at it) when we spied this young lizard taking a Sunday stroll down the middle of the road…

And as I am wont to do, I began a ‘conversation’ of sorts…


Oh hello there… aren’t you pretty?

No… don’t mind us.


No please, take your time, we’re not in a hurry…


Yes, yes, I realise it’s nice and warm and DRY in the middle of that road, and you don’t really wish to get off it…


Why yes, we are following you, Ms Lace Monitor.

I know… you are striking and gorgeous, with your yellow and black stripes, but really, we AREN’T stalking you.

And just because I demanded my husband take the camera to HIS side of the car to get MORE shots of you as you dashed up that charred tree, does NOT mean anything…


No, I am NOT the paparazzi.

Well… I guess, come to think of it, to any living thing on Granite Glen it might APPEAR that way…

goanna_0275 b

Why yes, I am now out of the car and zooming in on your gorgeous talons and scales …

Have your people call my people, and we’ll talk fees.



D’ya think I need to get out more? Heh…

So that was one little set of pics now happily blogged.

I love goannas – they are really big and amazing-looking, but not at all aggressive.  I really don’t like the look of those claws though – and remembering my friend Elle’s advice of ‘never look too much like a tree‘ if I ever get close to one.

Did she make you smile or creep you out, my Bell’s Form Lace Monitor?


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