All posts,  The Bush


I have just gotten off the telephone from a 90 minute teleconference.  Actually the conference started about 20 minutes before I was reminded it was on.  My brain is numb.  There is a skill to participating in a meeting of unseen people, only one of whom can speak at any one time, which I do not possess.  Ask anyone.  I come from a family famous for overtalking.  We cannot help it.  Talk or be left without a say.  Not ideal for teleconferencing.

Before that we had school buddies over for a swim.  In the drizzling rain. But a swim was promised so a swim was had.

Before that I finished editing a DVD, allowed my hairdresser to return my hair from an Addams family do to something publicly acceptable, did groceries and negotiated the 130km round trip that is currently our trip to the shops.

Before THAT Violet kept us up 1/2 the night with some tummy bug she had picked up from somewhere.  At least it was only the tummy bug, and not the possible chicken pox we suspected she may have been exposed to on the weekend.

Before that… well… that’s enough carry on.  Let’s just say, there has been days and weeks of the same, with interest.  With a dash of cloak-and-daggar thrown in: details of other exhausting activities will be published on a needs-to-know basis only.  *smiles mysteriously/blearily*

All you need to know at the moment is that I’m utterly stuffed.


A little like Trooper here.

Ever seen a horse sleeping?  It’s funny.  He is a nervy soul, this horse, and he must’ve been a touch under the weather to have laid down and rested his chin on the ground and closed his eyes… he didn’t QUITE go flat out asleep, but some heavy napping was achieved!  He kept doing that startle thing, where you dream you fall out of bed.

And I am looking longingly at the pose of this roo…


Catching a few quiet moments on our driveway.

Honestly.  The marsupials around here think they own the joint.  Talk about laid-back!

Of course, the half-devoured rabbit currently on the floor of our downstairs toilet room obviously took the relaxed attitude a little too far.  Our resident hunter (Middy) must have decided I was slow with dinner and brought home something fresh. Apparently the bit between the ear and the shoulder region are the tastiest.  But various sections of the entrails are not.

I am putting off cleaning that room out til tomorrow.

Too darned weary to throw up tonight.




  • Jane

    We used to have a bull that slept with it’s legs out horizontally. We had so many people ring and tell us we had a dead bull in our paddock. We are now seeing some of his offspring doing the same thing.

    Sounds like you need a holiday…take care!

  • Buttons

    Hello Bushbabe: I understand tired we are in the calving season. There is a lot of activity in the night I am sure you know what that means. (Yawn) I love seeing your photos they make me feel warmer it is freezing here. I am getting kind of sick of winter.
    I hope you get some sleep soon and good luck with the rabbit yuk. B
    Buttons´s last blog post ..Problem Solving! Farmer Style

  • Leenie

    Sounds like you need to talk to your booking agent and have him/her work in a little vaycay time. Sheesh! I’m wondering if YOUR sleep includes some of that jump-startle stuff with all you have going.

    Selfishly I appreciate your taking a moment to entertain and enlighten us out here in blogland.

    Kangaroos in the Road is just such a treat for one who woke up to minus 13F (hell is freezing over at this very moment). So cold the trusty Subaru almost didn’t start and the air in the tires had contracted so much they were almost flat.

    But enough about me. Get some sleep, girl!

  • Marg Pengelly

    Sleeping animals…We’ve a lame bull in the horse paddock. Earlier this week I stopped him asleep (Thought he’d died at first!) Wished I’d had the time to grab the camera and capture the scene…Bull stretched out on his side, crow hopping back and forth across his ribs, hen pecking ticks from his belly!!! Bull must have thought “Bliss!”
    Hope you too find time to be as relaxed…difficult I know.

  • debby

    I was going to write something clever, like ‘Notice that the animals have no laptops or opposible thumbs?’ But stomach bugs and partially devoured critters in the downstairs toilet cured me of that straight away! Allow me to say: drugs. They make drugs for this.
    debby´s last blog post ..Talking

  • Suzi

    I am intrigued by the roo in your driveway. Are they really as common there as rabbits and squirrels are here in the states? How about a piece about roos and emus and your other wildlife that we only see in our zoos? Please?

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