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Bull by-plays

Before we got all smoked out this week, we let our young weaner bulls out for a frolic in the front paddock near the house.  They loved having a new space to explore…


We always spend a lot of time with our young bulls – this lot will get more attention than the majority though, as they are destined for shows and sales next year.  I had this photo posted up on our business Facebook site recently, and someone came up with the hilarious caption:

Does my bum look big in this eartag?

These are the things which crack me up, people.


I love this photo.

I love that Lachlan (who is 18 and single if I have any young female readers out there who are interested?) has his shirt untucked.  (He is 18 and single.  I didn’t really need to repeat myself there did I?).  I love that he is having his hand licked by a little bull.  I love that the red bull is trying to drink from the sprinkler.  I love that the dude beside him is having a nanna nap on his back.  I love that my husband (who is not 18 and not single but still has trouble keeping his shirt tucked in) is having a party (you cannot really tell, but it’s happening on the inside).  That’s his poker face.  It’s also his everyday face.  Just so you know.


It looks like this little bull is about to punt my husband into the next paddock.  He’s not.  He is rubbing his head on Mr Incredible’s leg.  And begging for some more attention.


A little begging gets you a long way in this neck of the woods.  Bulls love having their bottoms rumps scratched.  This is a fact essential to your lives, I know.


If a bull could purr, this bull would be rumbling up a storm.  That guy behind is jealous.  He’s not as good at begging yet.


But G23.  He’s the Bull Begging Master.  Mmmmmmmmm, that’s GOOD!

Now I was going to get all handy with the modesty patches on the following photo… but then I thought:

WHY?  These guys can handle it… it’s just a little bovine genitalia.

(I do hope someone doesn’t google that phrase…)

Where was I? Oh yeah..


It never fails to amaze me how delicate cattle can be when they have an itchy eye.  Image having a cloven hoof to get your sleepy dust out?

Then the ‘big boys’ joined the party…


It sounded like thunder when these two-year-olds frolicked down the hill…


They are quite large for frolicking…


And I am pretty sure it only really happens when gravity is assisting (i.e. downhill).

Come to think of it, I have a few minor things in common with our bulls…


Their job is to eat and look gorgous, and (eventually) procreate.

I’ve done my bit on the last chore.  Working on the first.  Given up on the second.




  • debby

    You know, I think that your bull was trying to be the centerfold in Playheifer magazine.

    “Hi. I’m G244. I’m a demonstrative bull who is in touch with his heifer side. I know how to give affection, and I appreciate the finer things in life, like a good butt scratch and frolicking in the paddock. My long range plans include procreation. Lots and lots of procreation.”
    debby´s last blog post ..In the Dark

  • Hippomanic Jen

    They look pretty friendly. Which is probably a good thing, given their eventual weight.

    Just don’t ask my Dad about bulls. We ran into a big, black, Brahman bull (say that three times, quickly) that had been a poddy who would ‘loom’ behind the men when they worked stock in the yards. Gives the new chum a bit of a fright when he becomes aware of a ‘presence’ and turns around to be face to face with something that large. (which is EXACTLY why the new chums ALWAYS got put on that particular gate – then everyone in the know used to watch for the inevitable moment) I’d never before seen Dad jump a 6 foot gate without touching it.

  • montgomery

    SO I am reading your blog and having a blonde moment, thinking where in America is the bush? And continuing my blonde moment, saying to myself, I only heard of the Bush in Australia. Duh! Anywhoo enjoyed reading your blog from down under :). I was wondering I see lots of baby bulls in your pictures how big do they get and are they always this friendly? Or does there come a time when they become aggressive?

  • Quincy's Keeper

    May I send my daughter down to mentor on your ranch?? She’s a cute little redhead who loves Brangus and is a great cook. She could fatten up ol’ Lachlan…just sayin’ 🙂

  • Leenie

    That zoom lens really puts you in a place to collect the candid moments of life, BB. I enjoy the relaxed look on the faces of both bulls and guys. All very handsome. You’re so right about all the fun things going on in the first photo. Laughed out loud at Debbie’s comment.
    Leenie´s last blog post ..WAKEUP CALL

  • A Novel Woman

    Well now. THAT’S not something you see every day. Okay, YOU might see that every day, but I certainly don’t.

    I thought bulls were aggressive and charged you and you had to run for your life if you walked near one? So you’re saying all I have to do is rub its rump and wave around a sprinkler?
    A Novel Woman´s last blog post ..Steve Jobs

  • Nancy in Iowa

    My only up close and personal meeting with a bull was when I was in college and some friends and I, er, kind of intruded on a pasture of Brahmans. Not only did we run for our lives when a bull chased us, but I landed on an ant hill – was so very glad to get back in the row boat that took us there!!!

    • Bush Babe

      No – only the ones are are likely to be show bulls (i.e. led around in a show ring). It doesn’t seem to worry them at all – these guys were shown a little this year, and will be again in the ring next year.

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