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Oz Day and Special Guests

It’s Australia Day today, Down Under. Well I suppose it is ANYWHERE Aussies are in the world. But seeing as how we are ahead of most in the timeline department, I thought I’d introduce you to January 26, Bush Babe style.

We had a couple of really special people here last night and today – a friend from school whom I have not seen for many years, and her adorable son.

jacq_0300 e

Jacque is one of those people you can go years without speaking to, and take up EXACTLY where you left off. I love low-maintenance friends… Lord knows I am hopeless at phone calls these days. Ask any of my friends, they will tell you. Hopeless.

Last night we tried to cram a decade of not talking into an evening. I am a wee bit weary today as a result – Oz Day celebrations were therefore reasonably sedate. We cooked pikelets and branded a few calves in morning (as you do on a day off in the bush) and then Did Lunch.


I found these burger patties in Woolies – how gorgeously kitsch are they? I know, I know – Tassie is not there. I made some beetroot into our Island State instead…


Mmmmm. Burgers Oz-style must have beetroot.

My friends have never been here to Granite Glen before – even though Jacque and I were pretty good mates when we went to boarding school together. Flynn is a special little man, energetic and inquisitive and affectionate, who just adored some of our four-legged family members.


Axel (the goofy Great Dane) got a LOT of special attention, and enjoyed every second of their bonding time.


But the one who really stole Flynn’s heart (besides Mr Incredible, who was showered with hugs and “I’ll Miss YOU’s”) was Bay Leaf, our orphan half-dairy, half-Brangus calf.


Or as Flynn likes to call her: The Cow That Sucks My Hand.


Nothing like some calf slobber to seal a friendship.


We also spent some time down by the river. Throwing sticks into the water (the kids) and photographing kids throwing sticks into the water (the mothers).

As I never have photos of me, I then asked Dash to take some pics of Jacque and I … the results shocked me senseless. I suspect all those iced coffees are sticking to my ribs a little TOO well.

In the end, I decided this is the one I liked most…


DEAR LORD, I need to lose weight. Immediately.

Or at least right after I finish that leftover burger.

Wishing everyone a VERY Happy Australia Day. And before I go, a couple of quick questions…


How did you spend Oz Day?

How do YOU eat your burgers? (Talking condiments, not mastication here)

Are you a high or low-maintenance friend?


  • Jodie (aka mummaducka)

    I’m a low maintenance friend! I have spent the day rebuilding the chookyard fence, cleaning out and up my 14 year old’s bedroom (who’s back at boarding school) and sorting through his culled clothes. then I’ve been reading blogs and deciding which ethnic restaurant we are going to for dinner! Then I’m going to come home and buy a movie on Austar to watch!
    Jodie (aka mummaducka)´s last blog post ..2012 whipcracking

  • Sal

    How did we spend oz day? Normal day here, although it is wet which is a nice change. Hubby pulled all the bulls out, joining over for them for the year. Came home covered in mud and soaked to the bone, giving me some much needed washing. Kids and I tried to stay inside and clean… tried being the operative word. Anyway, I did get the floors swept and mopped, just before said wet hubby got home for smoko. Why would I do such a thing on a day like today? Who knows! Stopped raining for a while enough for the kids and I to all get wet and muddy after cleaning all our dog runs out. No specific Aussie Day celebrations here, although I did introduce my kids to the song, “I am Australian”. Well that got me in the spirit for the day anyway, I adore that song! Beetroot on burgers – can’t eat one ANY other way. Simple. Am I a low maintenance friend? I’ll have to ask… I’d like to hope so?? Happy Australia Day to you all! 🙂

  • KAddy

    What a lovely story….I am a low maintenance friend and all my special friends are just the same as me! High maintenance hurts my head!
    Burgers need beef, BBQ sauce and onion anything else is a bonus!
    I have spent Australia Day helping (?) my husband create a special present (just in case she follows this blog) as a gift for a special friend who has had a rough few months and is turning 40. Can’t wait till she gets it – lots of tears I think. Might attach a hanky to the front of the pressie!

  • jeanie

    No dammit – I am high maintenance! (stamps foot and pouts) ha ha ha ha ha!! I fear I have lost most of my high maintenance friends due to me realising the the phone line was the same distance in both directions at one point (about when I got an extraordinarily large phone bill).

    We are having a traditional Australia Day here – being steamed by humidity, watching the rain and racing outside for the brief moments of respite to determine whether the washing hung in the hope of sunshine should be left out for its traditional rinse or brought in to add to the waiting to dry basket…

    Tonight, we are having burgers – possibly cooked traditionally on the kitchen stove due to it raining on our barbeque (but not parade).

    OF COURSE to the beetroot – and another vote for bbq sauce and cooked onion for me, V will have his traditional US style with pickles (and not the yellow sort, but the sliced green ones) and mustard. I introduced the girls to grilled pineapple last time around, which is another hit, but we ate the last pineapple this morning so will have to dream.

    (Edited to close parentheses)
    jeanie´s last blog post ..Footloose (or Shoe Post Three, I suppose)

  • BB

    Jeanie – you are SO high-maintenance. And I ♥ you for it!!!

    KAddy – that gift sounds magical. Was a gift to me just having my friend here!

    Sal – you crazy chick. Pretty sure mopping is ILLEGAL on Australia Day. (Bob Hawke would’ve called you out on it!)

    Jodie – totally jealous of your choice of restaurants… besides that I approve your choice of Oz day activities!! LOL

  • Colin (HB)

    Watching the cricket test and the “grunting” on Rod Laver arena.
    I don’t think I will watch the Ladies final with any sound on! Maybe something might at last be done – we can live in hope??? Sharapova v’s Azarenka!!! The noise level will take the roof off!!
    My God, little “Bayleaf” has grown. Maybe soon in with a herd?
    Sauna like in Brisbane today, BUT clouds are appearing. All celebrations etc have been called off at South Bank.
    Happy Australia Day – one and all.

  • debby

    Decides that I must have a burger with beetroot on it.

    BB? What’s beetroot?

    I love my friends, and I spend a lot of time feeling very guilty that I don’t spend a lot of time with my friends. I cannot wait to change this in my life!
    debby´s last blog post ..What I’m Doing Now.

  • debby

    PS, what WILL you do with my little Bayleaf? She’s not show material. She’s not anything that you would use for breeding purposes. Will she be a milk cow? Will she be a paddock pet forever and ever? And what happened to Horseradish? I was looking for him in the pictures, and did not catch a glimpse of him.
    debby´s last blog post ..What I’m Doing Now.

  • Margie from New York

    Happy Australia Day!! I would think Australia Day is like the US’s 4th of July?

    Isn’t beet root a slice of beet? Never heard of it on a burger. It sounds interesting though. I like pickles, never heard of yellow ones? lettuce, tomato, onion and cheese. Johnny Reb likes bacon on his.

    Yes I was wondering about Bayleaf too.

  • Nancy in Iowa

    Beetroot? On a burger? Sounds weird – you need to educate us Yanks again!! For me a great burger is angus beef, swiss cheese, tomato and onion slices, mushrooms, mayo and mustard. Oh, oh, now i’m hungry!!!

  • Kelly

    Beetroot? What’s beetroot and what is it doing on your burger? I saw your tweet about Oz shaped burgers and I’m glad you provided a visual here. Fun!!

    Personally, I’d rather have a hotdog than a hamburger. But if I must have one, please cook it through and add mustard, ketchup, onions and cheese. Oh…and bacon! Everything is better with bacon! (I love pork)
    Kelly´s last blog post ..iPod Roulette – January 2012

  • Lynda M O

    Oz day passed with small kids and furry cats vying for attention and time in the great outside despite the chill in the wind.

    I like my burgers with mayo, catsup and mustard usually; sometimes I add romaine lettuce and sweet onion slice.

    Super low maintenance–No pressure, no hard feelings, no awkward moments… Lots of love and hugs and cold water fresh and tasty keeping us lubed enough to talk til we fall asleep.

    Calf slobber makes permanent relationships; Flynn’ll be back …


    Very happy to report that both girls came home from school (here in Chicago) on the 26th to tell me, “MUM, did you know it was Australia day today?” And went on to tell me all about Captain Cook etc.
    They learnt about that in school. Here. In America!
    How cool is THAT?
    Also – the first time Diamond had an Aussie burger ‘with the works’ he spat his first bite out. “there’s carrots in this, and pineapple! And BEETS!!!”
    Poor Diamond x
    JENNY TALIA´s last blog post ..cupcakes & butterflies

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