All posts,  The Bush

Critters beware…

Dash is a bit of a critter-lover.

He loves bulls, he loves horses, he loves Great Danes, he loves cats.

All these things have been well-documented.
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What I have NOT yet documented here on this blog, is the little obsession our son has with insects and lizards.
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Seriously, NOTHING under the size of a goanna is safe.
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It gets stalked, leapt upon, captured (or not, wherein the cycle begins anew), stuck in a cardboard or tupperware box of some description, looked up on the internet, fed vaguely-appropriate items, almost drowned in water offerings, and finally released (usually) just before the creature expires from heart failure or over-exposure to two enormous brown eyes.
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Today it was a grasshopper.

Actually, this cute little fella gave himself in before Dash could even begin the chase.

And was rewarded with an early release.
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And YES. This kid’s hero is Steve Irwin.

And YES. I am dreading the day he thinks he can stow a ‘legless lizard’ in my plasticware.


  • debby

    When I read the title, I thought, “Dear heavens, what sort of beast has shown up at Granite Glen now?!!” and expected to read about some gruesome beast that ate insects and lizards alike.

    Dash is a cute little predator. Added plus? He does not eat them.

    I remember the time that the boys caught a garter snake. They built him a cage, and put him on the back porch. I despise snakes, but held my tongue in the interest of science. There came the day when I was watering my plants on the deck, and reached across the cage to water some hanging plants and felt something against my thigh, looked down, and the snake was atop of the cage against my leg. I nearly wet my pants, screamed bloody murder and leapt away throwing the watering can at the same time. The snake went skittering off the deck, and the boys wandered out, amazed at the racket. I screeched, “NEVER AGAIN!!!!” There was never another snake on the back deck. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
    debby´s last blog post ..Today at the Tractor Supply

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