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Teef Fest

The following photos will tell you more about the past two days than I ever could adequately describe in words.

Except to add that I have also clocked up 1000 km, two regional centres, three specialist appointments and several grey hairs.


Author: Dash.

The crossed out bit was him asking the Tooth Fairy how much money he might get for a molar.  I suggested that was possibly a bit forward… he has a keen eye for a buck, our son.


The Tooth Fairy (who always writes in this painstaking curly font – crazy chick) was most encouraging, and seemed to know that a dental appointment had recently taken place.

Please be advised that you need a slightly stronger stomach for the next shot.

Also note that the orthodontist (specialist #2) took one look at Violet’s x-ray and proclaimed her imminent dental state to be ‘quite a mess’.  Nice.  Poor darlin’ has Mama’s massive fangs and a petite little face. Not a good combo apparently…


Yes, my stomach turned too.  I was official hand-holder and was gobsmacked at our daughter’s bravery in the dentist chair.  (She asked to take the first of the family-block dental appointments.)


Apparently The Tooth Fairy was impressed too.

I have a photo of the almost-toothless smile too.  But I won’t do that to you now.

Suspect one of two of you will probably require a stiff scotch or a quick lie-down after this post anyway…

I know I do.




  • debby

    Oh my! Those pictures took me back!

    Your son is a future business man, for sure. I remember Dylan discovering that you got money for your teeth. Then I had to watch him. He was always hopefully looking for a loose tooth. In times of economic hardship, I was not sure what would happen did he find a pair of pliers.

    Violet is a very brave little girl, and to have four teeth pulled…mummy’s hand must have had a workout.
    debby´s last blog post ..One down, one to go.

  • Michael

    Love it. I remember picking the teeth out of a sheeps skull with a mate with ideas of striking it rich. Couldn’t work out why our two Mums thought it was absolutely hilarious. THe Fairy didn’t think it was funny. She’s not easily fooled. Your son will go far.
    Michael´s last blog post ..Golden Rules of Farming Part 7

  • Leenie

    You have an excellent tooth fairy at your house. She even leaves notes and she pays for the ones the dentist removes. My mom said our tooth fairy wouldn’t pay for dental extractions.

    We had a tooth loss at our house while hosting grandchildren. I told them they’d have to take the tooth home and make sure THEIR tooth fairy got her tooth. Our tooth fairy retired. Then the tooth in the special box got left and I had to mail it. I think I should have gotten a commission.
    Leenie´s last blog post ..PLUM SQUIRRELLY

  • BB

    All these different TF rules!!

    Just to be clear – the teeth the dentist took out for Violet weren’t rotten. They were simply removed to allow all the big second teeth to get through. So I think the tooth fairy was more than happy to reward her.

    Also, pics all taken on a glass table in unit we stayed at while away from home. Groovy effect, no? Like floating items… tempted to get a glass table just for photo stuff. (Heh).
    BB´s last blog post ..Teef Fest

  • Lynda M O

    Brave young lady there, BB. Sounds like you could use a calm week or two. Thinking of you as our winter turns to spring with daffodils blooming all about the place.

  • Theresa in Alberta

    Dashman and Violet are so lucky to have such an encouraging tooth fairy eh ;p
    very very brave you are my cyber friends from OZ eh! If your mum sends me your address in the outback I will forward it on to the Canadian tooth fairy association and see if they will mail you a Canadian loonie coin. (or two)

  • Nancy in Iowa

    Wow! More than 60 years later I can still recall using a fingernail to try to break a stubborn root holding a tooth I wanted out so I could get paid!!!

  • Sharon

    gosh, look at the roots on those BABY teeth, what a brave girl she was, they would have taken some shifting.

    and fancy, the tooth fairy up here uses a very similar, painstakingly slow, fancy handwriting as well (“she used your notebook mum!”) although she got a bit bushed one time with all of the strong storm winds that were around (I know this, as I emailed her to find out where she was) 😉
    Sharon´s last blog post, don’t walk

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