All posts,  The Bush

Like purple for blue

I have something to say.  But I am not really sure how to say it…  not the right way, anyway.

I have a number of friends (stop laughing, I’m being serious here… work with me, people!)
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I have a number of friends at the moment who are facing major battles in their lives.  I know I tend to keep it upbeat around here, but today, I really wanted to acknowledge these battles, these friends, out loud.
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I ache as each of these unique, strong, beautiful people tries to find a way to leap their own hurdles…  like being diagnosed with breast cancer, like undergoing chemo for throat cancer, like battling marriage problems, like having major work problems, like having financial troubles, like struggling with depression.

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I am not good at saying the right thing face-to-face.  I can sometimes feel the wrong words coming out.  Which can seem worse than saying nothing at all…

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I want to say I wish I could take it away for you, my friends.

I know that could sound trite (and impossible) but the want to do it is there…

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I can’t do much, and I struggle with my inadequacy (as I am sure many friends of these friends do).

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I cannot take these things away, but I CAN share some of the beautiful things I find in my every day.

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To help distract, or lift, or bring a smile… if even for just a little while.

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My life is not perfect. I am not perfect.  I am not immune to the physical and mental obstacles that Life often throws our way.

And I am sure one or more of the hurdles mentioned above will find their way into my life one day (or come visiting again!).

And I will need MY friends to be there for me.

Jacaranda street

I hope these beautiful purple blooms, showering the street of one of our local towns, brings a smile to your face.

They did to mine.


PS If you have a ‘thing’ you do for friends in need, please share in comments.  If you have been that person in need, what helped you most?



  • Lynda M O

    Your blossoms brightened my evening, BB, thank you. Knowing there are thoughtful people in this world who think of others and their lives soothes me when negative thoughts want to overtake the spaces in my heart reserved for goodness and light. Meditation and enumerating my blessings brings all the wonderful-ness back into the forefront–where it needs to stay every day.

    May your week be what you need it to be in your mind’s eye.

  • Maria

    beautiful, bush babe, this has certainly also brightened my day … I think what HELPS people most is just the acknowledgement … a smile, a beautiful photo … just a short message saying HI, how are YOU? because often the YOU person is the one dealing with everything else for many others including the one that is sick and the YOU doesn’t have time to reflect or nurture themselves. These simple messages of hope and friendship have certainly helped me the most in the past 12 months – and I’ve certainly found out who the “real” friends are. Faith is also important, I did question mine a few weeks ago when our lasted dramas began, but going to church, sitting and debriefing has helped me restore that faith! Thank you bush babe for adding some colour to my day!

  • KAddy

    That was beautiful (just like the jacarandas) It certainly cheered me up a little. Feeling a bit blurgh and then feeling worse as I have very little to complain about :/
    I like you am not good at saying the right things so I tend not to say anything at all (not sure which is worse).
    I just try and be there when they need me – a smile and a hug can make things better (sometimes).
    Enjoy the rest of your week BB!

  • Hippomanic Jen

    So is it weird that after 15 years out of Uni the sight of Jacarandas in full bloom immediately makes me do a mental check that I have no exams coming up?

    They are such beautiful trees, if only they didn’t get my stress levels soaring…

  • debby

    You have a good heart. And you take nice pictures too. I’ve got a friend who is struggling, and I feel as if I have nothing to say that will help. I’ve decided today to be the quiet and soothing voice in the background. I cannot take it away, but I can stand beside her as she works through it.
    debby´s last blog post ..Meet the Moron.

  • Nancy in Iowa

    Photos, and colors, are stunning. Just stunning. Like most of you I’ve gone through various rough spots in my life, but one of the worst was many years ago. The greatest help to me was a very close friend who just listened as I told her of each new episode in an ongoing frightening situation. She also had some very practical suggestions on dealing with some of it.

  • debby

    BB, the thing that has most often helped me in the hard times were friends who understood that I was having a hard time. That’s all. They just understood. If I needed to talk, they were there. If I didn’t want to talk, they were there anyway. I love my friends. All of ’em. Regardless of where they live. :))
    debby´s last blog post ..William, Pete, Bob and the big excitement.

  • Margie from New York

    Those jacarandas trees are lovely, I’ve never seen them before do they have a smell? Do they smell like lilacs? They remind me of them, lilacs that is, though I think your jacarandas are a much larger tree.

  • Gabi

    Beautiful post BB. It is hard to find the right thing to say – but I do believe most people know we are trying say or do, or be the right thing for someone in pain or struggling. Often there is nothing to do or say or be that will make it better. Just letting them know you are around if they need you is all you can do. Just my thoughts.

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