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A gathering

This weekend past was spent celebrating my baby brother’s birthday.

He turned 40.

How is THAT possible?  *sigh*

‘Twas a lovely weekend which was broken up into ‘friends’ and ‘family’ sections.  I was honoured to make both categories!

The first event saw lots of lovely highlights, including a sunset ride for cocktail-wear-glad guests on a flatbed truck lined with hay bales.  Those pics are on my sister-in-law Curly’s camera.

These snaps shared below were from the ‘family’ gathering on Sunday.

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You can see my Dad, Mum, cousin B, sister and my cousin Tom’s wife Nell in this pic.

It was lovely and relaxed, even though no less than 20 children were scampering around my brother and sister-in-law’s houseyard.

We had lunch on a huge trestle table set up in their car shed, lined with forms.  It was perfect.


Family gatherings can go either way, really, can’t they?  This one went really well… lots of laughter and story-telling.

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My cousin Dan The Man, and his darling daughter J.

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My niece Rubes with her baby cousin Poppy.


Poppy after eating some of the sandpit.  How adorable is she?

(And yes, my husband was a little clucky after some time spent with her!)

I wrote a poem for my little brother.  It was among many personal tributes, all of which made me very proud to be his sister…. and while some of what I penned was having a go old-fashioned ‘go’ at him (although I didn’t call him ‘boxhead’ NEARLY as much as his mates) here is a small except from ‘The Little Brother Ditty‘:

We’ve seen him through so many stages

From little boy to full-grown bloke

Siblings through the ages

Sharing many home-grown jokes.


We take great credit to have trained him

Honing skills to make him great

At understanding chick-things

And being a top mate.

And then we gave him ‘girl germs’…


I think he appreciated it.

I know we had fun…




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