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Trips and tips…

I arrived home last night from an overnight trip to Rockhampton…

You know the kind: where you enjoy the anticipation, plan your trip around deadlines which keep on a-shiftin’, get going, return home to collect various forgotten items…

Endure the trip over flood-ravaged roads out…

Marvelling at Mother Nature and hoping there is enough support UNDER that causeway for your vehicle. *holds breath*

After driving for three hours. you then attempt to tackle 10,000 town jobs (and fail to complete the top 10% most important ones)…

Inhale a rare ‘dinner out’ with over-excited children…

Fail to sleep properly in rented bed (although LOVE the fact you don’t have to make beds or clean it afterwards)…

Farewell your menfolk off on a truck-drivin’ mission…
Trek around a dozen furniture stores with your patient daughter, chasing two items which seem not to exist , shop for groceries with your patient daughter, and avoid Smiggles until the very end of the expedition.  You get a phone call informing you that horses have raided feed containers at home as soon as you drove out the gate – and miraculously find a stockfeed store open after midday to replace the stolen duck and calf food.

Call in to see sister-in-law, and lose daughter to her cousins for a sleepover* and then…

Negotiate more flood-ravaged roads on the way home.

That Mother Nature… she throws in a new obstacle to keep you on your toes just as you think the road is improving!


(I admit to being a little nervous driving off road and over a damp gutter for this big ol’ ironbark.)

Having made it safely home, you then ‘feed up’.  One injured bull, two calves, three ducks, eight horses, six dogs and one very whiny cat.

You might also feed several thousand sandflies, and learned the extremely uncomfortable  lesson that one should never feed up in a skirt. (I had quite the high-stepping, knee-slapping time – I was very glad no-one was there to witness it!)

Everyone will appear very happy to see you…
floods_8070 e

…and perhaps demonstrate their own methods of keeping annoying insects at bay.


I can assure I did seriously consider rolling in some dirt to make. it. stop.

Instead I had a bath and a chardonnay. (But you probably already guess that second bit!)

So, that was the start of my weekend… you?



*I didn’t think this bit through, having to re-negotiate that road again in order to pick up my daughter this morning!


  • Simona

    …… Ah! know exactly what you mean and we don’t have as far to go as you do! Phew! Your country looks great for the rain though! love your images! …..

  • Ellie k

    We have what they call no see ems, they are small bugs that bite ready bad but you cannot see them just feel the bite. When they are in season it is really hard to be outside. Loving the posts.

  • Colin (HB)

    What a bloody mess for the council to clean up. Pretty brave getting safely around that tree across the road, well done.
    Still raining here in lovely over drenched Brisbane, some of the fences around homes have toppled due to the saturation. Not happy owners, I can tell you. Even some of the rotten trees in the street, have toppled over. Should have been removed “yonks ago” and replaced by decent trees that don’t clutter the street gutters and drains with never ending leaves falling off – ie: all year around.
    Ah well sense might prevail one day????
    The big slowly decaying gum with its 30 plus HQ’s of our resident crow colony still stands. It must fall soon and God forbid the mess it will make of roofs!
    Then dear old Ludwig van Beethoven’s choral singers can move to somewhere else. Their renditions of the 5th Symphony at 3.00am is just too much and they practice up till 8.00pm.
    I shall point them (the choral “singers”) in the direction of the Simpson Desert!
    Still you have plenty of winter food for the stock, eh?
    Lets hope that cyclone moves away and out to sea, enough is enough, we can but pray??? and fingers crossed.

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