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Hughie delivers

The landscape around these parts has been missing something for a few months now…

Something vital and something money sure cannot buy, and hard work cannot earn…

dry_9780 eAnd in it’s absence, colour has slowly seeped from view.

vista_0630 eAll colour except for the flat eucalypt of the leaves and that blue, blue sky.

So when forecasters last week started predicting rain for the weekend, we all tried VERY hard not to get our hopes up.


I don’t think many succeeded – everything lately has revolved around ensuring our cattle have enough to forage on –  Mr I has been delivering molasses daily to breeder paddocks to tempt the cows to eat the dry, tasteless grass that remains.

We kept planning as if the rain WOULDN’T come.  My Mum and I arrived back home after another flying trip to Brisbane on Friday night – my sister arrived for the weekend to help me with some bookwork.  Some light showers dampened the dust.  We held our excitement back.  It could clear off at any time.

I assume most of you have heard of that quaint Aussie phrase: ‘Send her down, Hughie!’ – imploring the rain gods (or God) to pull the plug and let the water descend.

Well, there was pretty much a low chant of that going on right across our parched state, I suspect.

Then, Saturday morning, we woke to this…

rain_0740 e  rain_0746 e

rain_0729 e

rain_0759 f

rain_0764fCan you feel our bliss levels rising? We soaked in the view with our morning coffee before getting to work.
rain_0843 e

I didn’t take photos of Jeanie and I in the office, but this was our view – it was pretty easy to take!rain_0768 eOur three ringers heading out to do a couple of rainy day chores… a great excuse to break out the drizabones (oilskin coats) – you can see how much Dash has grown since he needed it last!!

rain_0779 eHay loaded and dodging puddles…

rain_0781 eGood to see Violet keeping the hay dry!

rain_0783 eVanishing down the hill – you can see the difference in the colour of the watered patch near the house (foreground) and the grass that hasn’t had a drink for many months…

rain_0790 eNot hard to find the road tracks at the moment…

rain_0791 eUP the hill to a very lucky recipient.  Wonder who could warrant such special treatment?

rain_0798 eYou guessed it… Bay Leaf! (The quietest cow in the world, our ex-poddy and hopefully soon-to-be house cow!).

She is due to have her first baby very soon – love how she lurks near the gate when she knows we are home and likely to think of her.

Of course, all the animals go a little nuts when the wet stuff arrives… the horses most of all!

rain e

Violet’s Sandy and mine (and Salina’s) Winchester play-battle it out… Mr I’s Trooper looks on in amazement..

rain_0813 eThis pair were cracking everyone up – ooooohhh SO tough, Sandy!

rain_0823 eThen there was the obligatory mad galloping… Mr I’s Scandal chasing a surprisingly fleet-footed Winchester up the hill!

rain_0831 eAnd through the light drizzle, they continued on for ages, prancing and dancing and fairly popping out of their skins.

We ended up with 33mm in 24 hours. Very nice. Winter rain too, which is pretty unusual – but much appreciated.

We know it’s not drought-breaking but there is SOMETHING about seeing a little green on our horizons that help get us through – and (for me) seeing the beauty of the details as it fell…

rain_0699 ePriceless…

Onya Hughie!



  • debby

    I have been following the weather in your area for a week now, keeping my fingers crossed for a good wetting. I am so happy that it has happened. I hope that you see it again. Soon.

    It still tickles me that I named a cow in Australia. Bay Lulic. Bay Leaf. Bay B.
    debby´s last blog post ..Checking in

  • Rog M

    So glad to hear you’re had a good rain, so special after a long dry spell. Also I must say, you sure do have a very special talent with the camera, your words and sharing your life with us all. Keep up the good work , enjoy following your life on good old FB.
    Long live the Family Farm.

  • Colin Huggins

    Nothing like a successful “rain dance” eh?
    My neighbour across the street got over 2 inches in his rain gauge! “Hughie” was generous and the EKKA was not affected, only on the last two days. I guess it was a “win-win” for all concerned and for the EKKA – no winds!!! Incredible and most welcome.
    I am sure that not only were your horses doing whoop ups, I think quite a number of the human race were doing the same!
    Fingers crossed for a follow up in a week, and we will all bow down to “GOD HUGHIE”.

  • Helen Beutel

    Glad you received ‘some’ rain Amanda. Love the way you put it all in interesting stories. We got a much needed 50ml but of course today that old westerly wind has come to dry it all out. They say there is more to come (so I will cross my fingers). Saw one of your photos in the Storm Chasers site.

  • bushboy

    It’s amazing what a bit of rain can do. I had 60mls on Saturday and the browns and yellows are starting to tinge with green…always time for a #nakedraindance isn’t there 😉
    little bb

  • ubobohobo

    So enjoyed your unfolding of this story. Exactly as it happened and quite interesting that falls across the state seemed to be in the vicinity of 60mm. The long legs poking down below that coat made me smile. My neighbour’s joined you on the breast cancer trail last week. Prayers and thoughts are with you both on this journey you have begun.

  • Fiona

    That’s great news Amanda. I was much the same as you, not wanting to get too hopeful, yet they’d built it up so much that there was going to be great disappointment if something wasn’t delivered. 28 mil here … a start.
    Loved the photos of Violet sorting out that cheeky pony.
    Hope you’re travelling well.
    Fiona´s last blog post ..Permaculture Part II

  • Lynda M Otvos

    Loveliness: the raindrops on the trees and the horses play-fighting in the coolth of the drizzle. Seeing the growth of the kids as the years pass-time marches on whether we can keep up or not I am finding.

    Holding you up to the Universal Healing Power as you fight.
    Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Ormond’s New Quilt

  • Colin Huggins

    Hi Amanda
    Well down here in Brisbane, “Hughie” is excelling himself. Since Thursday evening we have had non-stop steady soaking rain.
    Even the grass shoots are appearing.
    This has been one very strange August, sure not the typical windy and cold one.
    Hope you are getting follow up stuff in your area?

  • carol alex

    Well I’m so happy for your rain, I would have sent you some of my Michigan rain if I could have because we had it all day and half of the night. We also had the tornado warnings to go with it and the flooding up river. But, I was glad it was water and not SNOW. Our fall is coming on and they say the winter will be wicked for snow and cold temps, yuckka! Colin, don’t you have water wagons you can fill up and take to Amanda, thats what friends do boy, Ha!

    • Colin Huggins

      No water wagons available, Carol.
      Here we just do frenzied “rain dances” of
      “Banshee proportions” and hope that Hughie feels the wrath of the devils and delivers!

      Trust all is going well with the chemo, Amanda and that “Hughie” did give you a follow up. Damn him if he didn’t!

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