Bay B?
There is a little bit of excitement going on here at Granite Glen this week…
Our maternity ward, always a happening place as Spring arrives, has a bit of a star attraction at the moment…
Bay Leaf – the 2-year-old half-dairy, half-Brangus heifer who we have hand raised from the moment she entered this world – is about to have her very first baby.
I am a little bit excited about it – I am going to be a GRANDMA! (In the best kind of human-bovine sense anyway).
We have been keeping a very close eye on her, and in the past 48 hours her udder has BALLOONED (go those AIS milk-producing genetics) …
…and her *ahem* ‘back end’ has loosened up dramatically.
(I am sorry to be blunt, but these are the facts and they are very relevent to proceedings!)
That udder is distended and quite hard and she even had a mild kick at Mr I as he checked for any problems – very out of character for her. I felt quite sorry for our poor baby girl – she has no clue what is going on with her body. (Man, I remember that feeling!)
Of course, she is still the Mistress of the Meal – girlfriend LOVES her tucker, and took advantage of being let into the horse paddock to get in amongst some sweet new shoots that the horses had missed…
Just another angle (taken late yesterday afternoon) to prove that ACTION is IMMINENT.
Again, sorry if this is TMI – there is little privacy in the maternity ward out here. Bay Leaf doesn’t really care, as long as there is a sheaf of hay in it for her!
I posted this photo on Facebook last night and asked people to guess when our girl might give birth…. the guesses were wildly varying.
And lots of fun to read…
And this morning?
Well, let’s just say…
If you bet sometime today, you are probably on the money.
Bay Leaf was lying down when we found her. Not comfortable at all.
We have moved her into the little paddock where Yvette gave birth…
The tail is out, the stance is swaying a little, but the appetite…
It takes a LOT to put this girl off her food.
I’m giving her a couple of hours…
Stay tuned…
Karen Baines
Ohhhh! I feel her pain, poor girl! Hope you manage some pics of the birth – the miracle of life! Beautiful
Karen Baines´s last blog post ..Aussie Harvest Video by Charlie, aged 14
Ellie k
This is so exciting, I think we all feel like we know this young lady. It will be nice to have milk, growing kids can drink lots of ice cold milk or hot cocoa. Hope she has an easy time and we see pics soon.
It seems like just the other day she was a wee calf herself! I hope she has an easy time of it and gets some relief soon. Keep us posted!!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Back Doors
Is it a little bay- leaf girl or a little bay- leaf boy!! Can’t wait to see.. Not much farm work happening at your place today Amanda..
Colin Huggins
If you ever,(an impossible thought), you could get a job as a commentary midwife!
For God’s sake spare “Bayleaf” the ignominy
of graphic “pushing and panting” of the birth. I am sure we, your readers, can well use our own imaginations. (ha ha).
All will be well and I see green grass shoots, now for that follow up from Hughie,eh?