1 of my favourite – people…
Where I risk life and limb to share with you 'a little something special'...
1 of my favourite – items
A simple bit of plastic. Always good for a giggle. Plus a Valentine's Day segue ...
Flood flashback
A photo from a friend sends me back into flood territory again... from a whole new angle!
Yasi and Pickles – a distraction
Saturation Yasi (the horrible) prompts a big dash of Pickles (the adorable)!
Come fly with me…
Someone has made someone upstairs a wee bit cranky. Some bird photos to appease the weather gods.
Who Needs Venice?
Who needs a gondola? Especially when there is a dingy at the back door!
Trying to drag our focus from what we cannot do, to what we can. (AKA Cropping the Crap Out!)
The Brand
The brand underway. Well, momentarily. And some poddy snaps. No favourites. Well...
Blue sky teasing
Blue skies and torn shirts... and a list that ain't doin' itself!
A big ‘To Do’ list and Holiday Hair
This one is about pressure and pineapples!