Giddy-Up Little Red
The below series of pics are of the little piece of bovine brilliance who we ‘helped’ arrive into the world last week… for want of something better to call him, he is being referred to as Little Red. As you…
THAT’s not an icicle…
Do you remember that 1980’s movie Crocodile Dundee?When Paul Hogan was an Aussie and pre-plastic surgery? And remember that line where Mick says: ‘THAT’s not a knife… THIS is a knife!’… And remember how I showed you this: This amazing…
The Scooby Doo Factor
You know how we have a Great Dane puppy? And you know how puppies – when they are little – can be a little nervous of things BIGGER than themselves? And you know how BIG Great Danes can get? Like…
Trek back in time…
Are you sick of reading about puppies and foals and bulls yet? Have my Lovers of Old Stuff abandoned ship in the deluge of all things furry? Can you still recall how I like to wax lyrical about fabulous old…
CAPTION WINNER: If only they could talk!
I feel a little like that Pantene shampoo commercial – the Rachel Hunter one: It won’t happen overnight, but it WILL happen! Life has once again overtaken me at 200km/hr, thanks to my ability to take on way too much…
Goodwill and the Girl
A quickie tonight… The Goodwill Games were held at Dash’s tiny one-teacher school on Saturday. The school’s P&C were uber busy (hence BB was kinda flat strap!) getting ready to cater and help generally prepare for the event. The weather…
Deadline extended – win a BB print!
DEADLINE EXTENDED! Get your entry in by 4pm today (GG time – see clock at right). … I am cold and I am brain-dead after attempting to teach a class of 4-12 year olds how to use Photo Elements at…
The First Breakfast…
I was all set to post about yesterday’s Goodwill Games… it was such a wonderful day, filled with frosty breath clouds, dozens of happy galloping kids, mountains of meat pies, gallons of coffee and ribbons fluttering in the breeze. ……
Bush bouquet… enough to melt yer heart!
Mr Incredible picked somethin’ a little special for me this morning. A ‘bush bouquet’, if you will. It was the result of three events colliding in my world: 1. It was freaking cold overnight (down to minus 5 degrees C…
Go Roo!
Violet has a little (big) cousin called Roo. They are great mates. Roo had an accident recently, and burned herself pretty badly. It gave us all a terrible fright and we have been sending all kinds of positive vibes her…