Amphibian Graffiti
I love nice cars. In another life, I might have been a bit of a rev head. I love the latest Land Cruisers and Lexus and Audi convertibles, as a girl I had posters of Lamborghinis plastered on my bedroom…
Meltdowns and more excuses
I am not sure if you have noticed, but I have been a bit, er, distracted for the past couple of weeks. Sure, I am still coming down from my Christmas loaves-and-fishes effort, the whole back-to-school thing is all over…
The Most Dangerous Thing on Granite Glen…
There are many creatures around this neck of Australia that can give you pause. Some that can make your heart go pitter pat. And not always in a nice way. There are animals that it always pays to avoid, or…
Foal update… little scare!
Remember Cute Stuff 2*? The gorgeous little chestnut filly born here just before Christmas… *Yes it’s true, we still have no proper name for our pair of darling baby horses here… I’m working on it!! Well we have had a…
It’s branding this week – and I am flat out like the proverbial lizard drinking. …My daily schedule includes feeding, dressing and getting kids to school and kindy, organising records, vaccinations, scanners, eartags, lunches, then all day at yards, and…
Favourite Things: Clouds of imagination…
On our flying trip to the semi-Big Smoke last week, Violet and I played games. We have managed (so far) to resist the whole portable DVD players for the kids – although we aren’t exactly techno-phobes. The i-pod does get…
Crazy creature… echidna!
I have been fishing all the files off my old dead laptop (*sigh*) and came across a little series I thought long lost to computer oblivion… It was a set I really wanted to share, taken earlier last year when…
Holy Giant Zucchini!
Have I mentioned before that we have a vegetable garden flourishing in our backyard? Considering how bad my repuation is as a gardener (can anyone say black thumb?) I am outrageously proud of the produce being, well, produced by my…
Tough yet vulnerable
Bottle trees (from the boab family) fascinate me endlessly…Officially called Brachychiton rupestris (which sounds to me like some kind of carniverous dinosaur) is described as a succulent, drought-deciduous tree. Which basically means (as far as I can deduce) that it…
Oh, Obama!
As Mr Obama made his rousing speech today, I was sleeping. I think you had to get up at 2.30am to hear or see the Inuguration live. I did catch excerpts all day on the radio however, as I made…