I’ve been thinking a lot about courage lately.It’s a word with many meanings. It comes in many forms. It inspires, it intimidates, it empowers. … I have seen courage up close and personal since I can remember. My father wears…
A day out … golf, adventures and reflections
I know very little about golf. I should really say that up front. I have held a golf club about three times in my life. It’s a frustrating game – both to watch and to play. Or attempt to play.…
Bush Babe bares all…
OK… just so as all the loons who just googled “Bare Babes in the Bush” (or something equally outrageous) know, this is not really THAT kind of blog. I was just having a little play on words. It’s something I…
Going Cold Turkey…
I am having withdrawals. I am getting jittery. And disoriented. And very hard to live with. I am going Cold Turkey on not one, but two of my addictions. And it has nothing to do with Thanksgiving. … Why? I…
And the Pool Hole Winner is…
(Depend warning alert!) Holy Freaking Moly. No, really. You guys are amazing. Too funny and witty and crazy by half! I so heart my comments section… And once again, I regret that there is no real formula for the judging…
More splash for your cash…
Don’t ask me why, but the two photos of Dash swimming (below) remind me of Bill Cosby… that wonderful American comedian which we would listen to on our cassette recorders as kids. (Yeah, I know. Old as the blinkin’ hills!)…
Come on in, the water is clear! And a CONTEST…
CONTEST TIME IS UP! … Welcome to the Granite Glen pool… It’s a vital part of the setup here, with long, hard, hot dusty days a regular occurrence (and the men work pretty hard too! Heh!). Just the knowledge that…
Childhood moment: The Man from Snowy River
I have been inspired to post this famous Australian verse here today, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, this great Canadian blogger posted on the Australian Stock Horse and mentioned the Movie of the same name (*sigh*), secondly, I know…
Bull-licks of Love
How close have you ever been to a bull? Ever been THIS close?? Well… today is the day. Ready? Got your rubber gloves ready? You’ll find out what I mean shortly! Hello Boy! This is our quietest Little Bull. He…
Changes… Incredible Changes!
I’ve been thinking… and watching movies with my daughter while I fold a MOUNTAIN of clothes. It’s a dangerous combination of chores. . Someone mentioned to me the other day that the names I have chosen for the Cast of…