Mystery Photo … who will win?
Here is this week’s mystery image… Can you tell me what it is? The closest guess wins a standing ovation from BB readers (go you good thing!), plus an 8×12″ print of their favourite Bush Babe image (goannas, horses, sunsets,…
Lavendar, bulls, bullsh** and butts
You know how I told you recently about my garden, and the sad lack of attention it gets? Well apparently, not everyone is as disinterested as me… As the rain came down yesterday morning, TLW yelled that we had “BULLS…
Punk by Bush Babe
Ree had a pic of one of her handsome sons (she refers to her kids as ‘punks’) today, and did some ‘work’ on it. She asked for other’s ideas… this is my very quick effort. Here is her SOOC (straight…
Puppy update… critter chaos and goodbyes!
I have held off posting this one, hoping that Ree’s Nell would be miraculously found over at PW. Cause I feel a little disrespectful posting a puppy piece when such dramas are unfolding. But I have had some requests for…
Speakin’ the Lingo – Strine Users’ Guide
The Great Aussie tongue… It has come to my attention (almost daily!) that there is a fair gap between the Aussie language and that spoken in the good ol’ US of A. And probably the rest of the English-speaking world……
Bloomin’ Amazing…
I have said it before, and I will no doubt protest it loud and clear again (and again): I have NOT got a green thumb! You could also read this as: I like to do other things than gardening Or:…
Sliding Doors moment: weddings or whips?
The Little Woman had a lot of influences on her wee little imagination lately. First she “attended” a wedding at which her mother was simultaneously having a nervous breakdown AND taking wedding photos. This is TLW taking in proceedings. And…
Mist-ical drive
I’m not really in the mood for yarning today, folks. Must be the weather (and the mountain of washing, folding, vaccuming and tidying facing me down). Really, I’d rather watch a windmill spin. Anything. I do not heart housework!…Instead, I…
State of the Art, Baby!
I was inspired to do this post by the Pioneer Woman, herself… Ree posted about their state of the art hay picking-up machinery thingies (that was possibly not the technical term but you’ll have to check with her to get…
Winter Weather at Granite Glen…
One of the changes that one must undergo when one (or all!) move from the city to the bush is being very much closer to nature… and by extention, the weather. Sure the air is cleaner, the atmosphere clearer and…