More than a bear hug…
We found something tonight. It was, in Dash’s words, his “lucky lucky night”. Because not only had we lost (and found) a pony (another post soon). We had also found a long-lost bear. … He had been stuffed, for some…
Meet Granite Glen’s resident hussy
Meet our resident hussy. Her name is Cruel. …. That’s right, that’s her name … and she is the least cruel animal I have ever met in my life. She was named by the same people who named Hondo, for…
New shoes
I have written a silly little post about new shoes. Dash’s new shoes. Not these ones. These ones.. That can do this... It’s here. I don’t know why. I am such a greenhorn… Enjoy! BB
What’s in a Meme?
I have been tagged for a Meme… I am sooooo sadly new at this blog thing that I thought initially that it might be some kind of virtual post-it note, or a challenge to put on some glad rags and…
You asked for it…
OK…I get it.You want more Rob Roy.That little Thelwell pony who has invaded our home and our hearts.With his cheeky little, fat little, round little, Shetland little, Rob Roy attitude.I am only here to please… so here are some pics…
Pagi Pearl of Wisdom
Pagi (Par-g-ee) is the affectionate name my kids call my Dad. A mish-mash of ‘Grandpa’ I guess. He loves it and it suits him. Pagi has many sayings, some of which provide an interesting mish-mash of the English language in…
Banjo, billabongs and a fast trigger finger
Dash, the Little Woman and I were driving home from ‘helping out’ with the steers at the yards the other day, when a little Aussie jingle came to my mind… you may know it? … Once a jolly swagman Camped…
Hues and views
Ever heard that saying: A woman’s work is never done? Well, cattlemen relate to this better than anyone. Not ’cause they’re so in touch with their feminine side (there’s a whole other post there!) but cause work out here doesn’t…
Equine addition to GG
When I was young (oh, so long ago!) I was horse-mad. I loved horses over toys and dolls and almost anything else. Did you ever see Thelwell cartoons? They depicted gorgeous, fat, naughty little Shetland ponies and I adored them……
Spud appendages…
This is kinda like wordless Wednesday. But I don’t do wordless very often. Unless wisdom teeth removal or throat surgery is involved. So it’s less-words-than-usual Wednesday. … My son has a book called “The Potato People” (by Pamela Allen) which…