Randomness Part Two
The overwhelming excitement in the day of Bush Babe continues in all it's glorious randomness...
Randomness Part One
Things have been getting way too serious round here lately... so I shall revert to form and hit you with a glimpse into the serious randomness of my mind. Caffeine and SOH required!
The Winter of our Kevin
Heavens... a red-head woman Prime Minister. Not that I have anything against redheads. Or women. Or Prime Ministers. Or roses...
Traffic, roads and rants
Batten down your hatches. Crack open the chardonnay. Not in celebration though. For medicinal purposes only. BB's rant of the month...
Weekend weather – wet and wild!
Where Bush Babe washes a car (headline news)... and causes rain throughout Central Queensland. PLUS: gratuitous reptile photos.
My photo offerings this week - bugs and butterflies...
We managed a little break in the chaos of last week - it involved wine and red dogs and monsters...
And the winner is…
Our humble little Aussie bush cookbook - the Goodwill Gourmet - is heading for a new home...
Be In It To Win It!
You KNOW you need to know the best recipe for pikelets. And cob loaf dips. And Pavlova. And Sao Vanilla Slices. Drool your way to the cookbook contest I am drawing TONIGHT!!!
Faces of the week that was…
I've been a bad BAD blogger. And the list of excuses is excruciatingly long. But I do have pictures...