Favourite things: jewellery and goodwill
It's about beer carton hurdles, it's about goodwill, it's about raffles and its about JEWELLERY... and it's about personal taste. What's yours?
World Weather (and weeds)
I admit I am a bit of a cold frog, so the winter woollies have been unearthed already! Some properties around here have even registered the first frosts of the year...
Mothers’ Day Connection
You don't need me to tell you that this weekend offers us a chance to celebrate Motherhood. I managed to see my own sweet mother for about an hour today - it was a lovely hour, jammed with non-stop talk…
New tricks and tips at my new place
I know there have been some rough patches, a few potholes along the red dirt road from my old blog to this one. Let's address a couple of those, shall we? Let's try and grade those jolts a little smoother…
Glorious gloom and signposts
This morning's trip was like driving through cotton wool - a fabulous wet, heavy fog. Isn't it amazing how I always seem to find time to do things like THAT, but the beds don't always seem to get made round…
Long weekends and weather
There is nothing like the prospect of a 600km round trip to brighten your outlook... and speaking of outlooks, is it weather-watch time round here? Time to post your forecast...
Friendship, fires and followers
Friends are so important - and despite the relative isolation of my home, I feel the warmth of friendship regardless of where my friends live. We had some city mates visiting this weekend...
Cheer ups: floral or fridge-magnet funny?
So, there's been some 'cheering up' needed a fair bit round here lately... and it's brought me to wondering: what's the best thing to do when one of your mate's is feeling a bit down in the mouth? Flora or…
Insult to injury
Well I have to say that starting up a new self-hosted blog using a completely new blog editor is kinda like riding a green horse. You never know which way it's gonna turn next, or what obstacle you are about…
Landscapes and lists
I'm trying to work out a few of the bugs here at my spanking new blog... it's kinda like asking a toddler to fine-tune the Lambourghini. Lists and some more landscapes...