Break in the (weather) transmission
Did I MISS something this week? Like, um, the WEATHER WATCH? Sheesh… hopeless. Not too regular here at the moment (and trying to bat kids away from the computer as I type this – blinking ‘educational’ websites). So as we…
Peaceful place
Sometimes the Gods just don’t play fair. Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes we need a little place to go to, just to be still and calm and peaceful. I thought that I would share one of my places today – a…
Eye Spy
I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘B’… (Remember Bay Lulic aka Bella? Original story here) … I spy with my little eye, a cow who saved a calf from starvation. I spy with my little eye,…
Grids and gatherings
Yesterday more than 600 people gathered at a town hall in a small bush town to say goodbye to a friend. She was a friend to so many - a strong, no-nonsense, no-holds-barred kind of friend.
Laugh lines
I just love that my husband smiles with his WHOLE face - one of the very first things I noticed about him actually. Right after those mesmerising blue eyes... they caught my attention but it was the crinkling smile that…
Splish Splash… rain revellin’
Is there an extension of the old Indian proverb: Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun? Something like:Bush kids and mad Mums race out into the pouring rain? No? Should be...
Giving Thanks…
Short and sweet tonight as I pack for a few days away… during my absence from Granite Glen, I will share some images of the amazing rain we have wallowed in over the last couple of days. I will (of…
Tears from Heaven… and some Soapbox
I am looking for some distraction today – as you may have guessed from yesterday’s post, we had some terrible news yesterday. A family friend, a fabulous lady I have known my whole life, passed away suddenly. She was a…
No words today…
Quotes to start the year off right…
Pam at A Novel Woman had a lovely selection of quotes for the end of 2009… It gave me pause and brought to mind a calendar we had received for Christmas from a stock and station agent filled with great…