The Bush

Splish Splash… rain revellin’

Is there an extension of the old Indian proverb:
Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun?
Something like:
Bush kids and mad Mums race out into the pouring rain?
Should be…
When the sweet drizzling rain set in at Granite Glen, just after New Year,
and we had gotten sick of the inside chores and shed jobs,
Mr Incredible and I bundled the kids up
and arried out a little inspection tour…
First stop is the Big Bridge.
In the old days (say 25 years ago) when we had regular wet seasons that kept the dam below this river close to capacity, we actually used to waterski under this bridge and touch the massive joists as we passed under it.
True story.
Now people just drive over and try hard not to look down at the 3-4 metre drop to the almost-dry riverbed. It’s a narrow, one-lane bridge. Fun (or terrifying, depending on your personality)in a big truck, I can tell you.
Now we are a VERY long way from filling this reservoir again, but the little trickles are slowly running from the sodden earth and gently replenishing the underground water supplies.
The ground had been so parched and thirsty up until just before Christmas,
that every drop of rain had been sucked into the earth.
But now… now most of the country around us has had enough saturation to allow new rain to run-off.
And run-off means new ponds and puddles and green, green grass.
And you know what happens then….
Some splashin’!
Our next inspection point is the Little Bridge.
Poignant point of interest: the spot where Tuffy was found was just to the right of the approach to this bridge. The spot where his Mum raced back upon being returned to her paddock. Makes me a little sad every time I drive by it…
Bush Lesson: This is a creek crossing. i.e. where the fence crosses a creek.
Like its bigger, river cousins, it is built to fall apart at its centre join, when water floods down the creek bed. Ideally, the force of the water pushes each half to the side of the watercourse, and makes it easier to find the end and put it back up again. Creek and river crossing are NOT my idea of fun – it’s spiky, dirty, sometimes snake-infested work – but doing river crossings mean it has rained in this often-dry country, so no-one is really ever game to complain about them.
The Little Bridge goes over a creek, which is smaller (duh) and runs a lot more readily than the river. It had a real ‘fresh’ going and was lots of fun for the kids to explore
Let’s watch things float, Violet…
Let’s throw floaty things upstream and watch them float back, Dash…
Let’s skim stones…
Meanwhile their Mum is all: Cool reflections!
And: Ooh, lovin’ the splashes.
And their Dad is all: You want a splash… I’ll give you a SPLASH!
And just like that… I had my new header.
Thanks darl.
Hope the weather is kind at your house…
at the moment we are enjoying a little time away, at the beach.
And the vision isn’t SO much different from these shots.
Lucky we love rain, eh?


  • Debby

    And isn't that the same bridge that one of your dogs fell off from last year and had to be fished out by Mr I. And then you saw a rat, which turns out to be your phobia which is not all that different from my goanna phobia?

    Seriously, couldn't be happier for everyone in your neck of the woods about the rain. Great, great news.

  • Anonymous

    Dontcha just love the color green? Who needs expensive toys when there are mud puddles, rocks and streams to play with? (and dads)
    Theresa in Alberta

  • Hippomanic Jen

    Cool sploosh!

    I don't think I will ever be tired of rain. We're getting showers (but good ones) – it just depends which cloud we happen to be under, but it was our turn today!

  • Lydia

    Looking at your green grass and raid gave me a nice little break from the -0 F. weather and blowing snow here in the Dakotas. Thanks BB! I'm lovin' it!


    Debby – no. That's the OLD bridge. We have three! Heh. For people wondering what Deb's referring to:

    Theresa – you are so right. My two left their spanking new Wii behind for this, and were in no hurry to return to it!

    Jen – I know what you mean. It's still sporadic. But as most locals have had SOME rain now, I feel safe enough to enjoy it out loud.

  • Jenni

    What a lovely sight on a cold Kansas morning. It's so cold here today (and will be for the next few days) that the school called to warn parents not to let kids wait outside for their buses. 6 degrees and feels like -14 with the windchill. Brrrr!

  • A Novel Woman

    Confession: I have a fear of bridges. The big ones.

    And where do I live? On an island. A big island. Only way on and off? Big freaking bridges.

  • Pony Girl

    Cool post…love all the water shots, especially because it is so brown and earthy there! But the snake infested water, oh dear!! 😉 The kiddos look like they were having a blast though! I remember loving to exploring ponds and creeks and puddles when I was that age. I lived outside in them!!

  • CeeCee

    Great pictures!
    Isn't it funny how we get when it finally rains? When the drought finally let go of us in October, we stood out in the rain and got soaked. It's like there's finally hope in the world again.

    I'm new to your blog, via some blog surfing, but can see that y'all need prayers and hope. I can offer the prayers and maybe the rain can boost your hope for a better year to come.

  • Mom L

    It's 2 deg F in Onawa, Iowa, feels like -24 with the wind chill. If only we could ship some of this snow to you to dump in your almost dry reservoir!!! I would love to help. Maybe in the future they can just "beam up" tons of water from one place and share it with another!

    Nancy in Iowa

  • Kelly

    So nice you got the rain you needed!

    I especially like the photos of Mr. I. with the kiddos.

    We're supposed to be having lows in the teens (F) and days below freezing the next few days/nights. Not typical for south Arkansas. I'm a warm weather person, so I'll have to bundle up against the cold! Can't even imagine what all those folks in the north of the US are going through!!!

  • Jayne

    I'm deathly terrified of Melb's West Gate Bridge (and close my eyes when being driven over it) but I could get to like your bridges 😉
    LOVE the green and the water and the water and the rivers, creeks, did I mention the water is fab?


    Jeanne – I know – a sight worth saving, no?

    Jayne and Pam – I know what you mean. Well kinda. I adore heights – put me in a tunnel though, and I reckon my response would be the same as yours! And Pam – living on an island and hating bridges – kinda weird, love!

    Kelly – I know. We have been watching the Europe and North American reports with concern. Warm thoughts your way!!

    Nancy – great idea!!! Are you on the technical side of that??

    CeeCee – welcome! Glad you found us..

    PG – me too!

  • Life with Kaishon

    Oh, I love your pictures. They are so perfect! And it is so fun to see your year in review! What a rainy and beautiful year you have had!

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