
Gymkhana Joyride

I know, I know…
I have been sadly neglectful of my blog this week.
Has anyone noticed?
Never mind, don’t answer that (the echoing silence might depress me!)…
I have NOT been sulking that Roger Federer lost the final of the US Open (after I gave him a massive rap and jinxed him in my last post), and it’s NOT that I have been sipping lattes and playing ladies (can you IMAGINE that?).
I am afraid to admit that life has kind of OVERTAKEN my blog. School presentations, catering cook-ups, new people moving onto our property, bull sales and a bit of travel have played havoc with my normally constant posting. But I have still been snapping away, never fear. I will be playing serious catch-up with my backlog of images, I can tell you…
BRACE yourselves people!!
Now where were we before Life Rudely Interrupted?
Oh yeah.
The Gymkhana.
I should warn you, this post is lengthy and filled with cuteness.
Yes I am biased, but lets just say it contains
toothless grins and jodphurs and Shetlands
’nuff said!
It was a warm Spring Day at Granite Glen last weekend, when we hauled our kids from their slumber, jammed breakfast into their yawning smiles and pushed their tracksuited bodies out the door and into the vehicles. The truck and Prado were packed with chestnut ponies and buckets, saddles, jodphurs and helmuts (respectively).
The two ponies had been washed multiple times in the days before the event, leaving one corner of the houseyard with a chestnut-hued carpet of used horse hair. Rotund shetland Rob Roy and his ancient old lady friend Lacey were pretty bemused by all the sudden attention, but put up with it for the price of a sheaf of lucern hay per session.
On arrival at the showgrounds, we primped some more. We brushed, we trimmed, we even painted little hooves black (to Mr I’s disbelief). I am afraid this Mama grew up imbued with saddle soap and curry combs and a dog-eared copy of Happy Horsemanship beside her bed.
It paid off…
Lacey was almost unrecognisable from her former shaggy appearance (although you would recognise those half-closed eyes anywhere!).
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Here Dash and Lacey warm up with cousin M and his pony, Selwyn.
How darned cute are the outfits?
Kids in white shirts and jodphurs could be eaten with a spoon…
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Our team lining up ready for the ‘marchpast’
(perhaps it should be shuffle-past in Lacey’s case?)
Can you handle more jodphur-white shirt cuteness?
And can you handle a SHETLAND and a Mr Incredible into the bargain?
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You cannot say I did not warn you!
And now for a mass jodphur shot…
For the record the home team (us) won the marchpast.
And Violet and Rob Roy got a pale mauve ribbon for ‘presentation’.
The crowd went wild.
And then the events proper began…
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Dash and Lacey ‘jumping’ … my heart was in my mouth for his entire round as he had never really jumped properly before, and despite not knowing where the start OR finish lines were, the pair took out the blue ribbon in this event.
We all very nearly busted.
It was all very formal, with Dash’s group of four competitors being shadowed by myself and my sister-in-law Neeta.
We took turns sashing.
It was very democratic.
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Thanks Aunty Neeta!
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And here Neeta’s daughter Em gets the red ribbon.
She was very impressed with the colourful contrast it made with her previous purple ribbon.
And this kind of reflected the laid-back nature of the contest (at least in the 7-9 y.o. age division):
Blues are nice and all, but a pattern of happy colours was just as satisfying!
And did I forget to get some coverage of my daughter in action?
No indeed…
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Please witness the Rising Trot in the Flag Race.
That sound? That’s me busting again.
(With pride, silly!)
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Would you check out the high stepping on Rob Roy?
Seriously, as soon as we painted those weeny hooves black, he was breaking out the moves!
And that neck? Not LONG enough for all the ribbons people.
He was as proud as a little furry overweight cockatoo.

And by the end of the day the ribbons festooned and fluttered from riders and steeds like they were mobile Christmas presents…
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It’s utterly gratuitous, I know…
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But kids, riding boots, jodphurs, white shirts, ties and piles of ribbons?
Simply cannot be left alone by a Mother’s Nikon…
please just take my word for it!
I did experience a moment’s concern when my son walked away…
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Where IS that child’s bottom?
Honestly, joddies do terrible things to a woman’s thighs, but do they enlarge my son’s rear end in the same manner? No. They do not.
It’s an equation I JUST DON’T GET!!
And another mysterious series of additions had us all gaping in amazement…
Dash not only won a little trophy for getting somewhere in his age group…
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Fangs very much!
…he also took out boy rider of the meet!!!!!
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That’s a TRI-COLOUR ribbon to add to the loot!
And that expression is pure ‘stunned mullet’!!
You know, I was going to end on that amazing victorious note.
And then I decided on this one of Violet and cousin Mol…
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Which I like to call The Debrief Session.
But then I just HAD to use this one…
Over and out from Granite Glen’s Gymkhana crew!


  • cowgirlwannabe

    I love gymkhanas! I took a little girl and did the lead line class with her on a very hot day. In one of the classes she got a blue ribbon along with a trophy! Her smile spread all the way across her face. It was worth the sweat trying to go fast on ground with the horse and her. Looks like your kids had a great time!

  • Kelly

    It's all an education for me….and I loved it! So cute!!! my photos framed and they look great! I ought to send you a photo (of your photos – how crazy is that?)

  • Anonymous

    I love the pics and the kids are just too cute. I follow your blog regular and love reading about your life and the works of the ranch.

  • Leenie

    Woohoo! Congrats to ALL! Outstanding Mom photos. Nobody else can capture that kind of image. Thank you for letting your blog followers in on sharing of pride for the kids and the horses and (I know he's yours but he's a looker) Mr. Incredible.

  • Debby

    Now there's a post just swimming in sweetness. Oooh. Who's the lady in the red hat and shirt? And where is a picture of you? I kind of notice that all the pictures have the kids and Mr. I, but Mrs. I is never there.

    What are you going to do about that.

  • Andrea

    Your kids did awesome!! Look at all their ribbons!! And they are so incredibly adorable! It's so neat to see how you guys do shows down there!! I love the helmets and the style of show clothes!! Kids in jodhpurs are too stinkin cute!! Love that last picture!! Well, really I loved them all!! What a fun day!

  • Anonymous

    clapping for those two excellent riders, BRAVO!!! I think the fact that mum and dad were in attendance and having fun, is the best prize!!!
    theresa in Alberta

  • Bush Babe

    Is it just me or has blogger suddenly added the icons differently to the comments section? Anyhoo…

    AKPonygilr – thanks, shall pass on your congrats! Are our helmuts different to yours, or do you mean some in this post look different? Some of ours have removable brims and some do not…

    Theresa – Mum and Dad would not have missed it for quids!!!

    Jayne – it was fun. Exhausting traipsing around on 'footback' all day but lots of grins and giggles!

    Andrea – glad you enjoyed from so far away! What do your gymkhanas look like??

    Debby – can you not GUESS who the lady in the red hat is?? She emails you all the time!!! Heh…

    Leenie – I appreciate your appreciation!! And yeah I revel in my lot – its not all 'beer and skittles' as they say, but the good bits are worth recording!!

    Anonymous – hello there stranger!! I have no idea where you are from but am guessing the States with the 'ranch' reference… glad you commented! Love it when people say g'day!

    Danielle – it was good for them… lots and lots of concentration and effort for their rewards. And BOY they slept well that night!!

    Kelly – PLEASE send me some pics of my pics… would ADORE that. Gives me a major buzz to see my images in someone's house… surreal!!

    Cowgirlwannabe – oh I know how you feel… sweet, eh?

  • AKPonyGirl

    It must be a removable brim. I looked back through the posts and saw that Dash's helmet was different in the last picture. It reminds me of a pith helmet that the English wore in the movie Lawrence of Arabia.

  • Debby


    However, Mr I has a mother (I'm assuming…or is that perfection wrought straight from the gods…You have to tell me how red he turns at that), and since your sister in law was there, I thought maybe it was his side of the family.

  • Mikey

    I LOVE IT!! OH they are so CUTE!!! I love how they're dressed!
    Your gymkhanas are so proper 🙂 I just can't get over it! Mr. Incredible, what a great guy!!! He makes us girls swoon!!
    Love all those ribbons too, you've got to be so proud of those kids. That's awesome!!!
    I want to come do one of your gymkhanas!!!!
    PS, what a way to wear the kiddos out 🙂

  • traceelements

    So so cute! Such a world away from any of my life experiences too. Love the fangs. And as always, your photography is just Teh Awesome.

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