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I have not blogged for five whole days. And I feel a little guilty.

Which is weird because I normally feel guilty for blogging – guilty that the washing up is not yet done, the calves need feeding, the laundry needs folding, I need to cook dinner, make phone calls, make beds.

These are the things that often go ‘on hold’ when I scratch my blogging itch.

But sometimes, life just gets in the gosh-darned WAY. And then it throws things in your way that are… dare I say it… UNbloggable. I know.

Just be assured there is nothing life-threatening about the various unbloggable things. At least I don’t THINK so… *checks news bulletins* No. All clear so far.

There are actually many many things which don’t make it to this blog – so much I just don’t or can’t share.

I suppose I should explain…

Sometimes I just don’t have time (like this week, for the most part) to get online and upload and share (as much as I would love to).

Like today. I have just arrived back from a 15 hour day on the road, during which I managed to tweet once:

SIDE NOTE: While I have worked out how to tweet from my mobile phone, I cannot see if people actually respond. I am not actively ignoring you if I don’t reply, but I only see the responses when I get home. It’s probably quite easy to work it out, but my brain is currently overloaded with Important Stuff. There is just no room for updating my apps knowledge. Heh. Thanks to those of you who are patient with my very delayed responses. *waves to the gorgeous SleeplessinKL*

Before today’s epic town visit, I had visitors. Ones, who kept me pretty busy for 24 hours and ran me a tad short on sleep.

Before THAT I had my darling sister here to help me sort my bookwork out. It was quite a task, not a particularly bloggable one although the divine Salina and Paris were in tow, and it’s a huge and boring task which Jeanie tackles regularly. And I heart her to the moon and back for it. (See that desperate attempt to prevent her agreeing with me on the first part of the second sentence?)

In amongst that I had numerous regular poddy-calf feedings…


I feed the red one, not the black one. (But we DO have a second poddy here now, have I mentioned that? And yes, I will get photos of him soon).

And there were swimming lessons and reading at school and even baking and some HOUSEwork. Yar.

Sometimes it’s not so much the CRAZINESS of my life that stops me, but that the things I am part of aren’t really MINE to blog.


Like this day, where our boys were involved in some big action. But action that was not ENTIRELY ours. So I cannot really blog it. Cause I just don’t like pissing people off THAT much. (It’s fun sometimes, but I am usually respectful of our neighbours. After all, I plan to live next to them for many years to come!).

And sometimes the action is not mine, like this party we went to a couple of weeks ago…

It was a 50th birthday gig, where everyone dressed as hillbillies and climbed on a mechanical bull.

As you do.


As Dash does particularly well. Mark OUT cowboy!

And this is the guest of honour getting his birthday wish…


Terrifying the living HECK out of his beloved wife.

hilly_4452 e

I bet she’s pleased I didn’t blog THIS. Not in full anyway.


And then there are the ‘Lord do they REALLY want to see that‘ unbloggable things.

Like this:

Axel drinking out of a hose running into our pool.

He loves it – thinks it tastes WAY better than the water provided in his bucket. No wonder we need so much chlorine in our evergreen pool. See? You really didn’t need to know/see that (again), did you.

And there is always my ONCE AGAIN nailess big toe. Thanks to the sharp wee hooves of Bay Leaf. I am actually NOT blogging that sight.  Just say ‘thank you’ in comments. (I promise I won’t be offended!)

So… what HAVEN’T YOU blogged lately?  Go on, you can tell me.  I won’t tell ANYONE, I promise!




  • Margie from New York

    My Henry (the mini Poodle) will go into the shower and look at you, umm while you’re busy doing things. As if to say turn on the tap Mommy I want a drink. I’ll turn on the tub tap and he will proceed to drink from the stream. It’s much better than his bowl water he believes.

    The black bull? is very beautful. He reminds me of Ferdinand, is he fierce or sweet? I notice he doesnt have horns maybe hes a she? Or does Mr.Incredible cut off the horns?

  • Tara

    Everyone has unbloggable moments. It’s hard sometime to make the mundane of day to day life interesting enough to blog about.
    But nice to see you haven’t vanished totally!
    Tara´s last blog post ..Inheritence

  • Buttons

    Oh I like this post Who really wants to read a blog about the boring things in a farmers life? Book work I do not like doing it I will be darned if I would write about it. Cleaning cooking eating singing(I wish I had time). Chores chores and more chores. I think I will write about cleaning the toilet now that seems unbloggable to me.
    Good post excellent photos. Love your take on life. B
    Buttons´s last blog post ..The Edge!

  • Kelly

    I rarely blog about my real life since it’s pretty boring. Well…I guess I shouldn’t say that since we’re fixing to have another grandbaby. I’m sure I’ll blog about her. 🙂

    What on earth must be going through Bay Leaf’s mind as she gazes at that massive fellow through the fence?!? Goodness!

    As for your toe…careful, now. If you show me yours I might have to show you mine and then you might be sorry!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..(Least) Favorite Five – Musical Artists

    • Bush Babe

      That’s my trouble I think Kelly – I seem to be under the impression it is ALL interesting!! LOL.

      And I am not afraid of toenail showdowns… but the general public should be. VERY afraid!

  • jeanie

    Well, considering you yourself called what I do in the main part “huge and boring”, there is a swathe of my unbloggable life.

    Then there is the joys (or not) of working with colleagues who do (or don’t) delight you… and while those who don’t delight may not ever read your blog, you just never know who knows who and what they might think when the internet world is intent on linking all your sins together…

    And then there is the “omg it is so long since I blogged and so much has happened and its all too huge to contemplate” excuse that I am currently stuck beneath.

    Sidenote – I blacked my middle finger the other day, and it was from a drawer while trying to work out what I was going to wear… How boring and unbloggable is that?
    jeanie´s last blog post ..Rearranging the Deckchairs

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