Sunsets galore – Poll #8
We are drawing to the end of the polls for the 2014 Bush Calendar… I know, I know. A lot of choices…
I really should be rewarding you guys for helping me out, no?
You never know… there might just be something at the end of voting to show my deep appreciation for your time and carefully weighed votes. I feel a little reward coming on for y’all…
In the meantime, anyone feel like a sunset or two? I won’t carry on about each – they kinda speak for themselves…
WELCOME HOME GLOW – shot earlier this month after arriving home from ‘The Ekka’.
SIGNATURE SIGNPOSTS – snapped on the way home from the Goodwill Games at our little local school, this view just screams ‘HOME’ to me!
MACKERAL SKY 1 – winter skies lend themselves to wonderful cloud formations as these June images attest. …
MACKERAL SKY 2 … it’s marvellous how a slightly different framing and variation on white balance can alter the result so dramatically…
HALLELUJA SUNSET – this one made my recent exhibition, with a dramatic sunburst moment in the western sky.
GOLDEN LEAF BOKEH – a gentle shot through the pod-laden tree in our houseyard…
FIRE-SKY PEGS – One of those off-the-cuff images that sticks with you. Lots of feedback when I shared this one on Facebook earlier this month – it says Aussie afternoon to me!
Which one (actually which THREE) rang your bells? Let me know in poll below…
Calendar '14 - SUNSETS
- HALLELUJA SUNSET (29%, 36 Votes)
- FIRESKY PEGS (20%, 25 Votes)
- WELCOME HOME GLOW (8%, 10 Votes)
- GOLDEN LEAF BOKEH (7%, 9 Votes)
- MACKERAL SKY 2 (7%, 8 Votes)
- MACKERAL SKY 1 (2%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 55

Previous polls here:
Kate´s last blog post ..Hummingbirds: Color vs. B&W
Julie in Aust.
Gosh its getting hard BB…the latest ones are always the best! These are just lovely…the pegs did it for me…dont know why!
You sure set hard tasks BB….
little bb
Colin Huggins
Organised pegs for me also.
I know people who are really “peg” smitten when it comes to hanging clothes on a line.
If they start with a blue peg for a sheet – most require more than one peg – then all pegs for that sheet must be BLUE!!
This intrigued me, so I thought I’d do it also, pity that the new “el-cheapo” pegs keep breaking so that “silly, fetish or as I preferred organised idea” has ceased.
Seems from that line you have your pegs already organised???? Blue pairs, red pairs etc??????
Yep, the pegs win, for me, plus it is a pretty good sunset.
I want to vote on about three of these!
Fleur´s last blog post ..Bush Tales by Pip Courtney ABC Landline
BB of Oz
Sorry – you CAN Fleur… up to three choices in each poll!!!
Oh, how I’ve missed your outstanding photo wonderfulness!!!!