It’s ANOTHER baby boy!
It’s been a week for birth announcements, this week…
Not only did Scandal present us with the most divine colt on the weekend, but our darling ex-poddy, half-dairy cow, Bay Leaf also brought (another) wee bovine into the world!
It’s a little black BOY!
Her third calf. Her third little bull.
(You can read all about number ONE here, and number TWO here!)
Our newest house paddock resident currently nameless.
Although goodness knows, who needs a name when you have THAT bag of milk for to call your own?
He’s a bit cute – 3/4 Brangus, 1/4 Guernsey (dairy).
He’s got Dad’s colouring, but Mum’s hair/horn line I suspect.
And he seems to have a bit of a busy tongue, also taking after his Mama!
Here’s a comparison pic, from when Bay Leaf was a bub…
From 2011, y’all. A lifetime ago!
You can read some of Bay Leaf’s early adventures here and here and here. And see how ridiculously quiet (and focussed on her tucker) she is here. She really is a bit of a trick.
So… who’s up for another round of ‘NAME THIS BABY’??
Dam is Bay Leaf. Sire is Random Black Brangus Bull (that’s not his name, we really don’t know – she was running in what is known in the industry as a ‘multi-sire’ paddock!)
Naming caps on … go your hardest!
Gabi Mandel
Haven’t read read your blog for a long time. Nice to catch up on it! Xx
BB of Oz
Nice to have you back! 🙂
Hooray! If you’re taking votes on calendar-worthy shots, I think #2 is wonderful!
Glad you mentioned that bag, because if you hadn’t, I was going to! Guess it pays off to have a dairy cow as a mom!
I can’t remember the names for the first two, but weren’t they keeping with the herb/spice theme? Black Pepper? Black Garlic? (I know… pitiful names for a fine looking bull calf)
Kelly´s last blog post ..Aprons (again)
BB of Oz
Noted… yes he should have a full belly, for sure!! x
If you wanted to keep with the herb theme what about ‘Peppercorn’ or ‘Aniseed’.
Great to see everything with a tinge of green.
BB of Oz
Pepper is on the list!!! 🙂
Helen Dobbin
What a handsome, determined-looking young fellow. Sensational captures.
Maverick came to mind as a suggestion for his name. I then checked what it meant – interesting coincidence.
A 19th century Texas rancher with the surname of ‘Maverick’ refused to brand his calves. The name has since been used to describe an “independent” person or way of thinking. …
Helen Dobbin´s last blog post ..Moggill Conservation Park
BB of Oz
How interesting!!!! They will all go in the ‘naming pot’ for consideration… 🙂
BB of Oz
Another vote!!
BB of Oz
Nice! Different. Unusual! 🙂