Post 300
Can you believe it? This is officially the 300th post for this little black blog! It seems like yesterday that I took the fingers to the keyboard, after some serious coaxing by my darling blog-addicted sister, to try my hand…
Elvis is back (in the paddock)…
I cannot help but see flashes of human traits and personalities in the many animals living here at Granite Glen. Sure, I suffer from a slightly over-active imagination, but I swear anyone can see it! … For instance, Rob Roy…
Cutestuff # 1: colt handling
Have you met Cutestuff 1 yet? Earlier this week I shared how the little filly we have here (born just before Christmas here at Granite Glen) sailed through her first handling session.… Here is Cutestuff #1, born just hours earlier…
Don’t just look…see! (2)
When all you can see is barbed wire and dry grass… Look closer.Where is the unnoticed beauty in your life?
Sight of the Day!
I have to admit something: I’m not so much a ‘morning person’. It takes about two good coffees to get me kick-started before breakfast. Of course, I live on a cattle property and have young children, so the chances of…
Cutestuff #2… handling 101
Remember Cutestuff #2… Admiral’s daughter? That cheeky little as-yet-unnamed* redhead who has been busily flirting her way into hearts all over blog-land? (Yeah, OK, on Granite Glen too). Well this week it was time for her very first human handling…
Montage #1 – the equestrian set
The images for my very first Bush Babe montage were cleverly selected by Kate (from Utah Zen) … What do you think?I waited until the parcel finally negotiated the Australian and American postage systems and was safely with Kate, before…
Culture’n’City’n’Country Roads…
We have just returned from a whirlwind trip to the Big Smoke: Bris Vegas (‘Brisbane’ if you are actually looking on a map!). A weekend away. It was lovely – exhausting but lovely. We managed to sqeeze in two visits…
Up close with Cutestuff 1 & 2
Did I mention somewhere about the current cutest things (don’t forget the other one!) at Granite Glen? And how these two breath-taking equine bubbas were sired by the late, great Admiral? …Clearly, I have been a little remiss at getting…
Mystery revealed: rusty wonderings
So, as the sign on our outdoor loo used to say: ‘here tis’: The “real” story behind this week’s mystery… It was a clear sunny day, just before my sister’s wedding, when a very special parcel arrived at her place,…