This is kinda Wordless Wednesday … with a few words! … I want to take a whole series of images of two hands… not in the Heath Ledger sense, but in the Granite Glen generational sense. Today’s post is my…
Canine names (and puppy punishment)
Meet the Granite Glen puppies… Sure, you may have seen them before, and followed their progress from Day 1, but now they have NAMES! … My humble apologies to those who painstakingly sorted through the poll to vote for Garth,…
A Mother’s Touch
In another life, I took photos… Not like now, where it’s all about my family, Granite Glen, the animals and me. I took photos for other people, for other reasons. … This is one of my very favourite images… It’s…
Calling on YOU… Help!
I have been having major banner dilemmas here at Bush Babe central… Some of you have missed my old “cows on the horizon” banner… So I have fiddled with fonts And experimented with images… And varying Feels and Looks… And…
How to Blow the Budget and Terrorize the Teenage Porter
I mentioned a few posts ago, that I had run away from Granite Glen. Temporarily, anyway. And it wasn’t that the piles of laundry had finally gotten to me, or the frosts that have started becoming regular visitors to my…
Wordless Window
Ever felt like you were facing the unknown? And it looked intriguing, and a bit confronting, but all-in-all, compelling! And on closer inspection, decided you wanted it! But no matter how hard you tried… You just couldn’t quite get at…
Girls Weekend: the Vital Statistics
Important Statistics from the Girls Weekend Away: # participants – 6 average age – 30 (*ahem!*) time away – 50 hours # kilometres travelled – over 1600km (2 cars)# husbands left at home looking after kids – 6# children left…
Lashes by a little Madam…
My daughter is a strong personality. She is sweet and loving and sunny and shares her dimples 99% of the time. The other 1% is a lesson in parental endurance. She is absolutely determined and focussed on What She Wants…
‘Awwww’ alert!!
Apparently I have been a little bit slack in the puppy photo posting department… According to certain sources, I have been phaffing around with other unimportant issues like polocrosse and music and weddings. … Not that we haven’t been completely…
Sheeeee’s Baaaackkk!!!
This post (I’m afraid) is just a teaser… all froth and bubble and no substance at all! … But I have been off researching some really important subjects for this blog. The things I’ve had to immerse myself in (purely…