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    This is kinda Wordless Wednesday … with a few words! … I want to take a whole series of images of two hands… not in the Heath Ledger sense, but in the Granite Glen generational sense. Today’s post is my…

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    A Mother’s Touch

    In another life, I took photos… Not like now, where it’s all about my family, Granite Glen, the animals and me. I took photos for other people, for other reasons. … This is one of my very favourite images… It’s…

  • The Bush

    Calling on YOU… Help!

    I have been having major banner dilemmas here at Bush Babe central… Some of you have missed my old “cows on the horizon” banner… So I have fiddled with fonts And experimented with images… And varying Feels and Looks… And…

  • The Bush

    Wordless Window

    Ever felt like you were facing the unknown? And it looked intriguing, and a bit confronting, but all-in-all, compelling! And on closer inspection, decided you wanted it! But no matter how hard you tried… You just couldn’t quite get at…

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    ‘Awwww’ alert!!

    Apparently I have been a little bit slack in the puppy photo posting department… According to certain sources, I have been phaffing around with other unimportant issues like polocrosse and music and weddings. … Not that we haven’t been completely…

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    Sheeeee’s Baaaackkk!!!

    This post (I’m afraid) is just a teaser… all froth and bubble and no substance at all! … But I have been off researching some really important subjects for this blog. The things I’ve had to immerse myself in (purely…