Water, water – nowhere now!
In which I discuss the merits of water - drop names, and stumble through a small deluge of puns. Brace yourself...
All quiet on the western front
Yoga for the eyes, from Bush Babe. You know, the NON-yoga expert. HOMMMMMM...
Short and then Pretty
Need something to perk you up after the somewhat confronting science of Bovine Romance covered in the last post? Here 'tis!
Bovine Romance Chapter 2
Can you stand more cow romance? It's Chapter Two... you'll need a couple of coffees, a soft chair, a broad mind and a strong stomach...
Weekend Weather & sunsets
Putting Romance aside for a second - it's World Weather Watch time. With purty pics!
Sorta Silent Saturday - holiday snap.
Bovine romance Chapter 1
You've no doubt heard plenty about the Romance of the Bush... imagined campfires and moonlight beside sparkling rivers and koala-trimmed bluegums? Well, this post has NOTHING to do with anything like that.
Cherokee update & the Nikon Nerd
He's hard and tough and wiry (just the sort that won't say 'die')... and I am HOPELESS at fog photos. Surgery updates and Nikon Nerd advice sought.
Honey, we’re home!
If you think things have been suspiciously quiet on the blogging front here for the past few days... well, there's been a reason. Click to share in the love, laughter and lavendar...
Hair and maths
1 + 2 + 3 = School holiday attitude... an in-depth explanation.