Sea What We Could See (Ch 21)
You know that saying, better late than never?
Well, I have FINALLY scraped together enough spare minutes to get back on track with our Great American Adventure, also known as The Fairy Blog Tale. If you cast your minds back to here, we were in San Antonio, Texas, having wandered along the glorious River Walk after checking out The Alamo. For newcomers, this story features Princes and Princesses (it IS a fairytale, after all) who may or may not closely resemble Dash and Violet. Well, Dash and Violet from a little while ago, anyway! Ready? Caffeine and comfy chair in place?
Our family of ‘royal’ travellers were in a dilemma… what should they do? They had an incredible offer to stay somewhere VERY special for a couple of nights, before having to be in Houston for a big cow show. (The show was big. Actually some of the cows were pretty darned big too, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves!).
The trouble was, this place was almost two states away, and the family REALLY wanted to check out a famous place filled with all kinds of amazing creatures. But the reality of distances that had to be covered meant they had to leave beautiful San Antonio by lunctime. Did they fork out for a whole day’s entry to this magic kingdom, or simply hit the road? A fairy (in the form of an internety friend of my sister) waved her magic wand, and
Four free tickets to…
It was the very first day of the season, meaning NOT ONLY were the tickets FREE, but the queues were also SHORT.
(See how this HAS to be a fairytale?)
And then some dolphin magic happened…
The thought bubble should read: ‘OMG This would NEVER happen in Australia! Are we really allowed to TOUCH?’
As we all know, Dolphin Magic is one extra SPECIAL kinda magic.
Especially when you can TOUCH them.
Even big people (and Daddys of Princes and Princesses) are not immune to the Dolphin’s magic touch…
Hello gorgeous…
And NO Prince, we cannot take one home to our river.
I believe this one say a proper Thankyou as the Princess fed her a fish…
Then to a gigantic aquarium where startling starfish…
And stunning (in the deadly sense) amphibians drew the rapt attention of our Family…
They couldn’t know then, but the seeds of a passion for all things marine were being nurtured deep within the Prince’s soul…
A spark of passion that may well have been fanned into a raging inferno but this show…
The killer whales…
How a creature can be so ENORMOUS and so DARLING and so TRAINABLE and so AGILE and so GLORIOUS???
Majestic magic…
Breath-taking, unbelievable MAGIC…
The notoriously hard-to-impress Father even said, once the ENTIRE Fairytale Trip was over, that THIS show was the absolute highlight of the whole four weeks. THAT is how magic it was…
Oh, and if I recall correctly, slightly DAMPISH magic too…
Those funny killer whales (and yes the Mother saw it coming and covered the Nikon. She wasn’t born yesterday!).
The adrenaline rush was then calmed by that terrifically American thing…
The pink flamingo.
And not they are not garden ornaments. I checked.
And then… because they were full of ice-cream and cookies (not biscuits, because we are talking American here) it was time to shake things up!
And the mother got almost as much delight from the expression on the bloke behind her children in this photo, as she did in the GLEE on the Princess’s face.
And the WHOLE Family decided to rate the experience about 99/10. A half-day well and truly spent.
I promise to catch up on the next leg of this epic adventure pronto – and yes I am aware that many of you are waiting for the instalment about a certain Ranch in a certain state called Oklahoma. But we have to get there chronologically, dear Reader. In the meantime, catch up on the FairyBlogTale catalogue below…
If you want to read back through the previous chapters, here is the list of links.
CHAPTER 1 (The Endless Day)
CHAPTER 2 (LA Rodeo Drivin)
CHAPTER 3 (LA Santa Monica Forrest Gump)
CHAPTER 4 (LA Venice to Hollywood)
CHAPTER 5 (LA Universal Thrills)
CHAPTER 6 (Flights of Fancy)
CHAPTER 7 (NYC Rousing Reception, NY)
CHAPTER 8 (NYC How’s Them Apples, NY)
CHAPTER 9 (NYC F for Friends, NY)
CHAPTER 10‘ (NYC Screens & Scenes, NY)
CHAPTER 11 (NYC Cold Outside, NY)
CHAPTER 12 (NYC 2 Giant Ladies, NY)
CHAPTER 13 (NYC Top of the World, NY)
CHAPTER 14 (NYC Walk in the Park, NY)
CHAPTER 15 (NYC Audrey & Mia, NY)
CHAPTER 16 (NYC final hours, NY)
CHAPTER 17 (Texas, Elm St, Dallas, TX)
CHAPTER 18 (Texas, Wild Bill’s Western Store, Dallas, TX)
CHAPTER 19 (The Alamo, San Antonio, TX)
CHAPTER 20 (Riverwalk, San Antonio, TX)
You photos for this post are just brilliant.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Diary 02-10 March 2013
I love that one touch of a dolphin has ignited such a desire in Dash. I agree with who ever said it…that boy needs an aquarium.
Debby´s last blog post ..Spring
BB of Oz
He has one Deb. It just ain’t big enough!!
I’m so glad the fairy tale is back!! I love aquariums and someday I’ll make it to Seaworld.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Birds
BB of Oz
It was wonderful Kelly!! You MUST go. 🙂
Nancy in Iowa
That took me back to my own childhood! I grew up in Florida, which has its own Sea World, and I loved it!
I love your pictures. The way you refer to everyone as if you are the spectator (the Father, the Prince, the Princess, the Mother) makes the flow a little hard to keep up with.
BB of Oz
Appreciate your feedback Marilla… the third person style is how I have written the last 20 chapters of this series. Just pretend you are reading a fairy tale! 🙂
Yes, I have followed all the chapters. Makes me want to be a tourist too!
Carol Alex
Love it, love it , love it! Great pics and the looks on everyone’s faces speaks volumes. What a bunch of cuties you live with. Dad was having as much fun as the kids, LOL!
I have read the whole fairy tale and gone back and read again, obviously I’m a crazy person or the writing and pics are spectacular and I want more, HA!