Teaser… with a prize!
Something momentous has happened here at Granite Glen… Something bigger than Ben Hur… And it took place almost within sight of the house, just this morning. What can it be? I will tell later tonight (GG time). Can you guess…
Don’t just look… see!
I am often asked about my photos… what kind of equipment I use and how I manage to get shots that look OK. Me, I can always see major room for improvement in my images, but I do take the…
Ballet Burf-day
Violet has had a rather good start to the holidays. … Not only did Santa dutifully roll up last week at her Kindy to distribute the first batch of Christmas gifts… (and while we are at it, exactly HOW LONG…
Break-up Day
Yesterday was break-up day. Well, it was end-of-year day at Dash’s school anyway… It was a free dress day, and here is my son, doing his best home boy impersonation. Yo! Wassup?? Wass goin’ dowwwnnn? High five! OK. I’m not…
Steaming, swimming and see ya!
To say today was a bit warm would be a serious understatement. It was so freaking knee-bucklingly hot there was steam from my sweat beads. And not only was the mercury hovering around 40 degrees (centigrade) for the majority of…
Three things in one day… thrice!
I am exhausted today. My eyes are red. My hair is unbrushed. I still have my pajama top on (threw on jeans to take Dash to the bus, to present the illusion to the bus driver that I have my…
To those who ride with me!
A quick note to those who have taken the time to join my posse (‘Who Rides With Me’ or ‘followers’ in the sidebar down lower)… Thanks for joining up to take my almost-daily rides! I am stoked (and humbled) that…
Something gorgeous… and yearnings for my long-lost Nikon!
I am missing my camera dreadfully… It’s been gone over two weeks and while my husband is enjoying having me focussed a little more on him, rather than simply focussing on him (if you get my drift), I am in…
Fairy-tale endings…
Once upon a time.. …there was a young man, who thought he was NEVER going to grow up.…As all around him reached higher, ran faster and weighed heavier… he felt like he just stayed the same. He looked for signs…
Calling all cars, calling all cars…
I am calling on you guys today. I need some guidance. Some input. Advice, even. I have had some sweet enquiries about my photos and prints for sale. And people have even placed some orders (gasp!). So I have decided…