All posts,  BB+USA

Tribute to 2 Giant Ladies (Ch 12)

We rejoin our Family today, as they board a Ferry bound to meet a very special American Lady.  Well, she’s a little bit French too.  And on the largish side.  Did you guess last Chapter?  Can you guess the second lady who threw everything she had at the Family to steal their attention…


The Princess and Prince had requested this particular meeting on this sweet snowy New York Day – which showed just how VERY famous the Lady they wanted to see was. After all, these two lived in a land Far Far Away, and had never studied American History.  But they knew of her.  And wanted to meet her.

And so they did.

But first they had to go through some Serious Security (not unlike an airport setup) and then they had to buy a couple of foam head-dresses.

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Perhaps it helped keep their ears warm?

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And they gazed upon Her as they put-putted closer and closer in their Ferry.

Hello Giant Green Lady.


On your itty-bitty-mid-river island.

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There was quite a bit of OOOhing and AAAhhing going on in that ferry.

Might have been partly to do with frozen fingers and nose tips.


But mostly to do with the beauty of Her*, against the cold grey snowy sky.

(*AKA The Bartholdi Statue of Liberty, gifted to the Americans by the French some 225 years ago).

Resolute. Calm. Welcoming. Not exactly huggy, more steady and reassuring.

And at her skirts, amid the iced branches, a fluttering flag.


And some tumbled-together iced chairs.


As if those waiting for her nod of approval had already been okayed, and were busily adding to the buzzing through the City behind her.

The Family then ventured (through another Security checkpoint) to see what hid beneath Lady Liberty’s skirts.


And they found fire…


Well, a spare lamp anyway.

And a giant golden foot.  Actually a smaller version of Her now-green-with-age toes.


And the famous tribute by Emma Lazarus which shines a light on part of the mystery which is the American Passion.


“…A mighty woman with a torch

…Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp…

…Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”

Stirring stuff, read quietly by the Mother to the Prince and Princess who listened, wide-eyed. Emma had a way with words, she did.

Then the Family climbed steps. Lots and lots and lots of steps…

192 in fact. Which very nearly did the Mother in.

The good news: she made it without a coronary.

The bad news: she was nowhere near the crown.

They had (in fact) made it to the BASE of the statue.

Guess what they saw there, Dear Reader?



And views of The City.

Framed by snow.

And they also got a close-up of the Lady’s skirt.



And then they went DOWN 192 steps – which the Mother would like recorded – something about three knee reconstructions and creaking like an old lady.

She was somewhat diverted (momentarily) from her achievement by The Giant Bolts.


Is that not the biggest nut you have ever seen? (The one at the top right, smart alecs, not the one in the RM Williams coat!)


And then suddenly the family were back at ground level, circling…


Then out front of Lady Liberty.

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And seeing her finally as She was meant to be seen.  Enormous. Staring out to Sea. Proud.

But of course, she had some competition that day, the Giant Green Lady.

From another enormous female – one who really DOESN’T like sharing the limelight.

One known to the masses as … Mother Nature.

And let me tell you – it was a Battle of the Titans for the attention of our Family.

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Fluffy, flakey, first-time snow.

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Patriotic (American) Pride.

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Snowball fights.


Inspiring poses.


Action amid the amateur paparazzi – cold, cold action.

Action replay, anyone?

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SHOT!  Jubilation…





During this gamut of Mother-Nature-Inspired emotions, The Mother took a moment to escape momentarily.. and soak in …

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Gorgeousness and peace and simplicity – amid the snow.
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But Lady Liberty had not finished with Our Family.

Her final blows were quietly achieved:

Slipping in a jab as they climbed aboard the ferry, with a farewell moment worthy of some celluloid…


Then saying Au Revior with postcard scenes of man-made majesty.

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She fought for (and won) a place a very special place in their memories – this Gorgeous Giant Green Lady guarding The Big Apple.

But (as usual) Mother Nature reminded them all that she will never, ever be upstaged.


For those who missed earlier chapters:













  • diane

    She certainly is a huge and majestic lady. I don’t know how you could bear the other lady whipping her icy fingers around your faces. It looks FREEZING. A great experience for the little royals.
    diane´s last blog post ..ITS A LEMON

  • Theresa in Alberta

    FAB-U-LOUS photos BB!! Thankyou for showing the plaque of the sonnet. I never had read the whole sonnet before. My grandfather, arrived in NYC from Italy in the last half of the 1800’s and was welcomed by lady Liberty. He did not like the life style of New York and he worked his way to Canada, settled in Manitoba and became a very wealthy man. Unfortunatly the stock market crash of 1929 took care of his fortune like so many others. 🙁
    I wish I was to happy to see the snow as your young royals were 😉

  • JulieinOz

    Thankyou BB…for the absolute pleasure.

    More gorgeous scenery, happy kids in the snow,and goose-bumpily pictures like the little birds and the final goodbye to the Giant Green Lady.

    Whatever can you have next for us? However did you leave all this beauty…

    Happy Mothers Day BB.

  • Nancy in Iowa

    Thank you so much, BB, for doing all the work to put this together for us! I was born in upstate NY (we definitely differentiate between that and NYC!!) and visited NYC a few times. However, although I’ve seen a show at Radio City, thanks to my folks, have toured much of the city, I’ve never actually been on Lady Liberty’s tiny island. Thanks to you and your family, I’ve now had a wonderful view of it.

  • Leenie

    Yes, thanks for the super tour!! You did it up in style. I love the view from your camera with the family and Mother Nature all making the visit to Lady Liberty an event to remember.
    Leenie´s last blog post ..WET AND WILD

  • Catch the Kids

    Oh this gave me goosies. It must have been cold. Looks astoundingly beautiful though, with all those frosted trees for a backdrop. Isn’t she an amazing sight! We also climbed the 192 steps. Seems a lot more at the time though.
    Catch the Kids´s last blog post ..Is Anything Up

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